WW2 Military Hospitals Mediterranean Theater of Operations and Minor Theaters

308th Station Hospital, Ft. Pepperrell, Newfoundland (1 April 1943 – 1 Jan 1946)

The article lists major Military Hospitals active in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations  (MTO). It does also include minor Theaters such as: Africa-Middle East Theater (AMET), Bermuda Base Command (BBC), Caribbean Defense Command (CDC), Greenland Base Command (GBC), Iceland Base Command (IBC), Newfoundland Base Command (NBC), Persian Gulf Command (PGC), US Army Forces in Central Canada (USAFCC), US Army Forces in Eastern Canada (USAFEC), US Army Forces in Central Africa (USAFICA), US Army Forces in Liberia (USAFIL), US Army Forces in the Middle East (USAFIME), and US Army Forces South Atlantic (USAFSA).


The United States Army entered the scene of conflict in the Middle East on a limited scale in 1941 as a result of the urgent need of British and Soviet Armies for military supplies and equipment. In September and October 1941 a US Military North African Mission visited the region in order to draft plans for American help programs. Projects included construction of port facilities and establishment of shops for repair of American-supplied aircraft, tanks, locomotives and signal equipment. The work was to be carried out by civilian contractors who worked under Lend-Lease Act regulations, because the United States was not a belligerent!
The Mission Surgeon (Maj. Crawford F. Sams) completed medical and sanitary surveys in order to plan for future medical operations. For the time being, the British Forces supplied hospitalization of all US personnel, both civilian and military, but medical supplies were already forthcoming from the United States. Gradually, Dispensaries as well as limited Station Hospitals were developed. Following the Declaration of War, the US Military North African Mission was completely militarized by April 10, 1941, and all projects were now brought under military control…

4th Field Hospital, near Tripoli, Libya. Partially dug-in tents of 3d Platoon (1st Platoon, 4th Fld Hosp opened on 29 Jan 43 in Libya; 2d Platoon, 4th Fld Hosp opened on 26 Mar 43 in Libya; 3d Platoon, 4th Fld Hosp opened on 19 Apr 43 in Tunisia).

Three main Area Commands were organized to supervise construction work and arrival of US aid; “Heliopolis” – “Eritrea” – “Palestine”, and soon medical plans under the new organization called for construction of Military Hospitals.

Another pre-war Mission was under way in October 1941, to help the British deliver military supplies to Russia through the Persian corridor, and the US were laying the groundwork for extensive port and rail construction work in Iran and Iraq. The US Military Iranian Mission was accompanied by a Surgeon (Lt. Col. Hall G. Van Vlack), who would later be in charge of all medical facilities in the area.

Both the North African and Iranian Missions closed office June 1942, and were replaced by the “United States Army Forces in the Middle East” (USAFIME), which now operated as a Theater of Operations, with Lt. Col. Crawford F. Sams as responsible Theater Surgeon. The United States Ninth Air Force, the major American combat force in the Middle East Theater had its own Theater Surgeon (Col. Edward J. Kendricks, Jr.), until the Ninth Air Force left for England in October 1943.

Minor Base Commands were set up in various African countries, to defend US installations, provide hospitalization and other medical services, build transit installations, improve local sanitation, and carry out local construction projects.

67th Station Hospital, at Accra, Gold Coast (11 Dec 42 – 31 Jul 45)

The German ‘Blitzkrieg’ in May 1940, along with the conquest of Holland, Belgium, and France, stimulated US plans for a dynamic defence of the Western Hemisphere, that would inevitably include outposts far from American shores. The US-British Agreement (2 Sep 40) exchanging 50 old US destroyers for bases on British soil in the Caribbean and the Atlantic, covered the establishment of Army-Navy-Air Corps bases and installations in countries such as Antigua, Bermuda, the Bahamas, British Guiana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Trinidad, and others.

In mid-1941 American Forces relieved the British garrison in Iceland,  while other US Forces moved into Greenland (with agreement of the Danish Govt). Separate agreements with the Dutch Government led to transfer of American troops to Aruba and Curaçao, the Netherlands Indies, and Surinam. For reasons of air ferry routes, transit access, and overall strategy, both Army and Air Corps personnel were stationed in the North and South Atlantic areas, as well as in Canada and in Brazil. Existing Military Departments in Puerto Rico and the Panama Canal Zone were reinforced.

The medical build-up could now begin …

6th General Hospital, at Casablanca, French Morocco (27 Feb 43 – 14 May 44)

Convalescent Hospitals:

2d CONV HOSP – MTO 27 Jan 43 – 28 Feb 43 Algeria – 10 Jun 44 Italy – 17 Sep 44 France (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
3d CONV HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 10 Oct 43 Italy (supervised a separate 1,500-bed German-POW-staffed CONV HOSP from 31 May 45 on, inactivated 8 Sep 45)

Evacuation Hospitals:

8th EVAC HOSP – MTO 18 Nov 42 – 21 Nov 42 French Morocco – 19 Jun 43 Tunisia – 9 Jul 43 Sicily – 21 Sep 43 Italy (constituted with elements of 3d EVAC HOSP) (inactivated 30 Sep 45)
9th EVAC HOSP – MTO 21 Nov 42 – 12 Dec 42 Algeria – 23 Apr 43 Tunisia – 1 Oct 43 Sicily – 28 Jan 44 Italy – 25 Aug 44 France (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
11th EVAC HOSP – MTO 18 Nov 42 – 8 Dec 42 French Morocco – 15 Apr 43 Tunisia – 13 Jul 43 Sicily – 14 Jan 44 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France – 26 Mar 45 Germany (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
15th EVAC HOSP – MTO 21 Feb 43 – 11 Apr 43 Algeria – 21 Apr 43 Tunisia – 20 Jul Aug 43 Sicily – 2 Nov 43 Italy (inactivated 8 Sep 45 at Firenze, Italy)
16th EVAC HOSP – MTO 6 May 43 – 23 May 43 Algeria – 14 Sep 43 Italy (constituted with element of 37th EVAC HOSP) (inactivated 31 Oct 45)
27th EVAC HOSP – MTO 20 Apr 44 – 22 May 44 Italy – 1 Sep 44 Southern France (constituted with elements of 42d EVAC HOSP) (activated 15 Oct 42) (to ETO 1 Nov 44) (inactivated 10 Dec 45 ZI)
38th EVAC HOSP – MTO 9 Nov 42 – 13 Nov 42 Algeria – 4 May 43 Tunisia – 29 Sep 43 Italy (inactivated 8 Sep 45)
51st EVAC HOSP – MTO 19 Apr 44 – 16 Jul 44 Italy – 27 Aug 44 France (constituted with elements of 68th EVAC HOSP) (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
56th EVAC HOSP – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 8 May 43 French Morocco – 20 June 43 Tunisia – 6 Oct 43 Italy (constituted with elements of 36th EVAC HOSP) (returned to ZI 3 Oct 45)
59th EVAC HOSP – MTO 24 Dec 42 – 30 Dec 42 French Morocco – 8 Aug 43 Sicily – 16 Jul 44 Italy – 28 Aug 44 France (constituted with elements of 68th EVAC HOSP) (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
77th EVAC HOSP – USAFBI 4 Sep 42 – MTO 11 Nov 42 – 12 Nov 42 Algeria – 26 Jun 43 Tunisia – 27 Sep 43 Sicily (to ETO 10 Nov 43)
91st EVAC HOSP – MTO 24 Dec 42 – 2 Feb 43 French Morocco – 2 May 43 Algeria – 27 Jul 43 Sicily (to ETO 8 Nov 43) (ex-6th SURG HOSP)
93d EVAC HOSP – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 16 Jul 43 Sicily – 16 Sep 43 Italy – 17 Aug 44 France (to ETO 1 Nov 44) (site of the slapping incident involving General G.S. Patton Jr, which took place on Aug 10) (ex-61st SURG HOSP)
94th EVAC HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 22 May 43 Algeria – 23 Sep 43 Italy (to SWPA 13 Aug 45, diverted at sea to ZI) (ex-63d SURG HOSP)
95th EVAC HOSP – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 24 May 43 French Morocco – 6 Jul 43 Algeria – 12 Sep 43 Italy – 19 Aug 44 Southern France – 4 Jan 45 France (to ETO 1 Nov 44) (ex-74th SURG HOSP)
96th EVAC HOSP – Sep 43 Italy
128th EVAC HOSP – MTO 1 May 43 – 12 May 43 Tunisia – 5 Aug 43 Sicily (to ETO 7 Nov 43, ex-48th SURG HOSP)
170th EVAC HOSP – MTO 5 Nov 44 – 15 Nov 44 Italy (to SWPA 25 Jul 45, ex-29 STA HOSP)
171st EVAC HOSP – MTO 1 Jan 45 – 20 Mar 45 Italy (to SWPA via ZI 14 Jul 45, ex-54th STA HOSP)

Field Hospitals:

4th FLD HOSP – USAFIME 11 Nov 42 – 15 Nov 42 Palestine – 26 Mar 43 Libya – 19 Apr 43 Tunisia – 14 Aug 43 Sicily – 16 Oct 43 Italy (assignment to Twelfth/Fifteenth US Air Force, Army Air Force Service Command, with each of the 3 Platoons operating as ‘separate’ Air Force Clearing Stations, from Mar 44 onward) (to MTO 2 Nov 43, inactivated 10 Sep 45)
10th FLD HOSP – MTO 19 Mar 43 French Morocco – 7 May 43 Tunisia – 11 Jul 43 Sicily – 5 May 44 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France – 19 Mar 45 Germany (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
11th FLD HOSP – MTO 27 May 43 Algeria – 13 Jul 43 Sicily – 17 Nov 43 Italy – 17 Aug 44 France – 26 Mar 45 Germany (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
15th FLD HOSP – USAFIME 29 Mar 43 – 1 Jun 43 Egypt – 1 Jul 43 Libya – 1 Jul 43 Sudan – 1 Dec 43 Corsica – 13 Dec 43 Sardinia – 1 Sep 45 Italy (to MTO 12 Oct 43, inactivated 13 May 46)
16th FLD HOSP – USAFIME 29 Mar 43 Egypt – ETO 17 Mar 44 England – 24 Jun 44 France – Luxembourg – Belgium – Germany (to ETO 17 Mar 44)
18th FLD HOSP – PGC 4 Jan 43 – 1 Jul 43 Iran (to CBI 1 Aug 44)
19th FLD HOSP – PGC 14 Jan 43 – 1 Jul 43 Iran (partly inactivated 21 Jul 45 and 8 Sep 45)
26th FLD HOSP – PGC 22 Feb 43 – 1 Jul 43 Iran (to ETO 18 Feb 45)
32d FLD HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 16 Oct 43 Italy (to SWPA 17 Jul 45)
33d FLD HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 17 Oct 43 Italy (inactivated at Cecchignola, Italy 25 Sep 45)
34th FLD HOSP – MTO 4 Sep 43 – 13 Dec 43 Italy (assignment to Twelfth/Fifteenth US Air Force, Army Air Force Service Command & Adriatic Base Command, with each of the 3 Platoons operating as ‘separate’ Air Force Clearing Stations, from Dec 43 onward) (to SWPA 22 Jul 45 and transferred to Manila, Philippines)
35th FLD HOSP – MTO 4 Sep 43 – 15 Dec 43 Italy (assignment to Twelfth/Fifteenth US Air Force, Army Air Force Service Command & Adriatic Base Command, with each of the 3 Platoons operating as ‘separate’ Air Force Clearing Stations, from Dec 43 onward) (inactivated 25 Oct 45)
99th FLD HOSP – MTO 20 Mar 45 – 20 Mar 45 Italy (inactivated 1 May 46, ex-50th STA HOSP)

26th General Hospital, at Bizot (railhead north of Constantine), Algeria (26 Apr 43 – 31 Oct 43)

General Hospitals:

3d GEN HOSP – MTO 12 May 43 French Morocco – 13 Jul 43 Tunisia – 14 May 44 Italy – 25 Aug 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
6th GEN HOSP – MTO 20 Feb 43 – 27 Feb 43 French Morocco – 18 May 44 Algeria – 3 Jun 44 Italy (inactivated 15 Sep 45)
12th GEN HOSP – MTO 26 Dec 42 – 14 Jan 43 Algeria – 22 Jun 44 Italy (took over and absorbed the 151st STA HOSP in Italy, Jun 44) (inactivated 15 Sep 45)
17th GEN HOSP – MTO 28 Oct 43 – 11 Nov 43 Italy (inactivated 25 Oct 45)
21st GEN HOSP – MTO 6 Dec 42 – 29 Dec 42 Algeria – 29 Dec 43 Italy – 21 Oct 44 France (took over and absorbed the 58th STA HOSP in Italy, Jun 44) (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
23d GEN HOSP – MTO 28 Oct 43 – 17 Nov 43 Italy – 5 Nov 44 S. France (absorbed the 53d STA HOSP in Italy, Jun 44) (to ETO 20 Nov 44) (closed for operations 14 Sep 45)
24th GEN HOSP – MTO 4 Sep 43 – 28 Sep 43 Tunisia – 21 Jul 44 Italy (to ZI 11 Oct 45)
26th GEN HOSP – MTO 1 Feb 43 – 26 Apr 43 Algeria – 4 Dec 43 Italy (assignment to Twelfth/Fifteenth US Air Force, Army Air Service Command & Adriatic Base Command, from Dec 43 onward) (inactivated 15 Sep 45)
33d GEN HOSP – MTO 15 Aug 43 – 15 Sep 43 Tunisia – 21 Jun 44 Italy (inactivated 20 Sep 45)
36th GEN HOSP – MTO 4 Sep 43 – 3 Nov 43 Italy – 13 Oct 44 France (absorbed the 43d STA HOSP in Italy, Jun 44) (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
37th GEN HOSP – MTO 5 Sep 43 – 1 Oct 43 Tunisia – 15 May 44 Italy (inactivated 25 Oct 45)
38th GEN HOSP –USAFIME 31 Oct 42 – 11 Nov 42 Egypt – 1 Aug 45 French Morocco (redesignated 384th STA HOSP 1 Jan 46)
41st GEN HOSP – CDC 1 Dec 42 – 5 Dec 42 Trinidad (redesignated 359th STA HOSP 25 Nov 43)
43d GEN HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 31 Oct 43 Algeria – 19 Sep 44 France (under ETO jurisdiction 20 Nov 44) (operated temporary German PW Hospital at Les Milles, Southern France)
45th GEN HOSP – MTO 29 Mar 43 – 29 Apr 43 French Morocco – 1 Jan 44 Italy (activated 15 May 42) (inactivated 30 Sep 45)
46th GEN HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 4 Nov 43 Algeria – France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
64th GEN HOSP – MTO 4 Sep 43 – 23 Oct 43 Tunisia – 17 Mar 44 Italy (absorbed the 55th STA HOSP in Italy, Aug 44) (inactivated 20 Dec 45)
70th GEN HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 31 Oct 43 Algeria – 22 Jan 45 Italy (closed 1 Oct 45 and inactivated 25 Oct 45)
113th GEN HOSP – PGC 7 Sep 43 – 15 Sep 43 Iran (disbanded 21 Aug 45, ex-113th STA HOSP)
161st GEN HOSP – CDC 10 Jun 43 – 1 Jun 44 Puerto Rico (inactivated 15 Jan 47, ex-298th STA HOSP)
208th GEN HOSP – IBC 3 Mar 42 – 28 Mar 42 Iceland (redesignated 327th STA HOSP 2 Jul 43)
210th GEN HOSP – CDC 13 Jan 42 – 5 Feb 42 Panama Canal Zone (redesignated 368th STA HOSP 1 Apr 44)
218th GEN HOSP – CDC 13 Jan 42 – 1 Sep 43 Panama Canal Zone (redesignated 333d STA HOSP 1 Apr 43)
262d GEN HOSP – CDC 1 Apr 44 – 1 Sep 43 Panama Canal Zone (inactivated 7 Feb 47, ex-333d STA HOSP)
300th GEN HOSP – MTO 4 Sep 43 Tunisia – 16 Nov 43 Italy (absorbed the 66th STA HOSP in Italy, Jul 44) (inactivated 31 May 46 and redesignated 392d STA HOSP, starting operations 1 Jun 46, inactivated 15 Jan 47)

Partial view of Anzio Beachhead area, subdivided in a British and US Hospital area. Hospitals were being gradually dug-in and protected, following a long series of enemy bombings and shellings. “Operation Shingle” Allied Forces landed on 22 Jan 44 – first medical unit to disembark was 2d Platoon, 33d Fld Hosp, followed on Jan 23 by elements of the 93d and 95th Evac Hosp, and 1st + 3d Platoons, 33d Fld Hosp. The 56th Evac Hosp arrived Jan 28. The 52d Med Bn operated a Clearing Station in the hospital area throughout the life of the Beachhead. The 15th Evac Hosp changed places with the 95th Evac (after its bombing) and started operations Feb 10. The 502d Clr Co (162d Med Bn) arrived in Anzio on Feb 15 and operated mobile dispensaries in the area. The 94th Evac Hosp opened on Mar 29, and was joined by the 402d Coll Co (161st Med Bn). After suffering from additional bombings, the 56th Evac Hosp left the Beachhead on Apr 8 and was replaced by the 38th Evac Hosp. The 11th Evac Hosp meanwhile took over from the hard-hit 93d Evac. From 22 Jan through 22 May 1944, the US Hospitals cared for 33,128 patients, and furthermore handled an unrecorded number of civilians living in the Beachhead. Medical Department losses were 558 (92 killed, 387 wounded, 19 captured, 60 missing).

Station Hospitals:

4th STA HOSP – USAFCC 23 Dec 42 – 12 Nov 42 Manitoba (to ZI 6 Jan 44)
6th STA HOSP – USAFEC 20 Apr 43 – 1 Jun 43 Labrador (to ZI 18 Jul 44)
7th STA HOSP – MTO 22 Nov 42 – 1 Dec 42 Algeria – 29 Sep 44 Italy (inactivated 15 Sep 45, reactivated 1 May 47 in Trieste Free Territory)
11th STA HOSP – IBC 24 Sep 41 – 22 Jun 42 Iceland (combined with 72d STA HOSP and redesignated 366th STA HOSP 6 Dec 43)
14th STA HOSP – IBC 31 Aug 42 – 1 Sep 42 Iceland (combined with 15th STA HOSP and 167th STA HOSP and redesignated 365thSTA HOSP 6 Dec 43)
15th STA HOSP – IBC 31 Aug 42 – 1 Nov 42 Iceland (combined with 14th STA HOSP and 167th STA HOSP and redesignated 365th STA HOSP 6 Dec 43)
19th STA HOSP – PGC 16 Dec 42 – 7 Jan 43 Iran (inactivated 27 Dec 45)
21st STA HOSP – USAFIME 15 Nov 42 – 18 Nov 42 Eritrea – 1 Jul 43 Palestine – 1 Jul 43 Iran – 16 Apr 45 Italy (to PGC 12 May 43, to MTO 7 Mar 45, to ZI 26 Sep 45)
23d STA HOSP – USAFICA 23 Aug 42 – 1 Sep 42 Belgian Congo – MTO 9 May 43 French Morocco – 4 Oct 43 Algeria – 10 Nov 44 France (to MTO 24 Apr 43, to ETO 20 Nov 44)
24th STA HOSP – USAFIME 1 Feb 43 – 5 Feb 43 Palestine (to CBI 22 Jan 44)
25th STA HOSP – USAFIL 27 Aug 42 – 12 Jun 42 Liberia (inactivated 15 Feb 46)
29th STA HOSP – MTO 21 Dec 42 – 30 Jan 43 Algeria (reorganized and redesignated 170th EVAC HOSP 5 Nov 44)
30th STA HOSP – PGC 16 Dec 42 – 7 Jan 43 Iran (to CBI 14 Nov 43)
32d STA HOSP – MTO 26 Jan 43 – 28 Feb 43 Algeria –19 Dec 43 Italy (to ZI 22 Sep 45)
34th STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – Algeria – 18 Jun 43 Pantellaria – 1 Nov 43 Sicily – 19 Jul 44 Italy (inactivated 9 Oct 47)
35th STA HOSP – MTO 21 Feb 43 – 30 Mar 43 Algeria – 28 Aug 43 Tunisia – 1 Mar 44 Corsica – 14 Oct 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
40th STA HOSP – MTO 26 Dec 42 – 18 Jan 43 Algeria – 11 Mar 44 Corsica – 28 Apr 45 Italy (to ZI 24 Sep 45)
43d STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 19 Jul 43 Tunisia – 13 Feb 44 Italy (inactivated 5 Jun 44, personnel and equipment absorbed by 36th GEN HOSP)
49th STA HOSP – IBC 31 Aug 42 – 1 Sep 42 Iceland (to ETO 9 Jul 43)
50th STA HOSP – MTO 29 Apr 43 – 5 May 43 French Morocco – 20 Jul 44 Italy (reorganized and redesignated 99th FLD HOSP 20 Mar 45)
51st STA HOSP – MTO 24 Dec 42 – 31 Jan 43 French Morocco – 28 Oct 43 Algeria – 13 May 44 Italy – 4 Nov 44 5 (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
52d STA HOSP – MTO 26 Dec 42 – 13 Jan 43 French Morocco – 17 Jan 44 Italy (to ZI 8 Jul 45)
53d STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 27 Jun 43 Tunisia – 1 Feb 44 Italy – 1 Aug 45 Algeria (inactivated 5 Jun 44, personnel and equipment absorbed by 23d GEN HOSP, reactivated in AMET 16 Aug 45, inactivated 10 Dec 45)
54th STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 28 Jun 43 Tunisia – 2 Oct 43 Algeria (reorganized and redesignated 171st EVAC HOSP 20 Mar 45)
55th STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 26 Jun 43 Tunisia – 13 Dec 43 Italy (assignment to Twelfth/Fifteenth US Air Force, Army Air Force Service Command & Peninsular Base Section, from Dec 43 onward, released by the AAF and temporarily attached to the 64th General Hospital Aug-Oct 44, after closure of the Adriatic Base Command, re-assigned to the Army Air Forces, in the Penisular Base Section, from 1 Jan 46 onward) (inactivated 22 Apr 47)
56th STA HOSP – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 14 May 43 French Morocco – Egypt (to AMET 1 Mar 45, inactivated 15 Mar 46, actually closed May 46)
57th STA HOSP – MTO 19 Mar 43 – 5 May 43 Algeria – 15 Jul 44 Tunisia (to AMET 1 Mar 45, redesignated 247th Medical Detachment 25 Nov 45, inactivated 28 Feb 46)

113th General Hospital, at Ahwaz, Persia (Iran). The 113th Station Hospital with a 750-bed capacity arrived in the Persian Gulf Area 11 May 43. It offered complete treatment for all diseases and injuries and even served as clearinghouse for patients being evacuated by air to the ZI through the 38th Gen Hosp in Egypt. On 7 Sep 43 the unit was reorganized and redesignated the 113th General Hospital (now operating a 1000-bed plant). The picture illustrates the 113th Gen Hosp in Oct 43, note the particular layout; a radial pattern with connecting wings. The Hospital was disbanded 21 Aug 45.

58th STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 5 Jul 43 Tunisia – 3 Feb 44 Italy (inactivated 5 Jun 44, personnel and equipment absorbed by 21st GEN HOSP)
60th STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 23 Jul 43 Tunisia – 3 Nov 43 Sardinia – 23 Oct 44 Corsica – 4 Apr 45 Italy (to SWPA 21 Aug 45, diverted at sea to ZI)
61st STA HOSP – MTO 25 Dec 42 – 12 Feb 43 Algeria – 4 Dec 43 Italy (assignment to Twelfth/Fifteenth US Air Force, Army Air Force Service Command & Peninsular Base Section, from Dec 43 onward, released by the AAF Nov 45) (inactivated 15 Nov 47)
64th STA HOSP – MTO 8 Dec 42 – 28 Dec 42 Algeria (inactivated 12 Jun 44)
66th STA HOSP – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 12 May 43 French Morocco – 3 Jan 44 Italy (inactivated 5 Jun 44, personnel and equipment absorbed by 300th GEN HOSP)
67th STA HOSP – USAFICA 11 Dec 42 – 1 Jul 43 Gold Coast (inactivated 31 Jul 45)
69th STA HOSP – MTO 19 Apr 43 – 28 Mar 43 French Morocco – 30 Sep 43 Algeria – 8 Dec 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
70th STA HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 25 Nov 43 Italy – 1 Nov 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
72d STA HOSP – IBC 31 Aug 42 – 1 Jan 43 Iceland (combined with 11th STA HOSP and redesignated 366th STA HOSP 6 Dec 43)
73d STA HOSP – MTO 20 Mar 43 – 23 Apr 43 Algeria – 24 Feb 44 Italy (to ZI 27 Jul 45)
74th STA HOSP – MTO 2 Jun 43 – 29 Jul 43 Tunisia – 7 Dec 43 Italy (to SWPA 11 Aug 45, diverted at sea to ZI)
78th STA HOSP – MTO 12 May 43 – 1 Jul 43 Tunisia – 14 May 44 Italy – 19 Sep 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
79th STA HOSP – MTO 12 May 43 – 17 Jun 43 Algeria (inactivated 24 Aug 44)

Group of Brazilian Nurses attached to the 16th Evacuation Hospital, at Pistoia, Italy. Medical Officers, Nurses and Enlisted Technicians from the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (BEF) were attached to various US Hospitals since they were without such units – 26 Officers, 21 Nurses, and 68 EM were transferred to the 16th mid-Nov 44. The 750-bed 16th Evac Hosp arrived in the MTO on 6 May 43. It first opened at Ste-Barbe-du-Tlélat (23 May 43 – 8 Aug 43), Algeria and later served in Italy. After the Salerno landings, the 16th got into operation 15 Sep, unfortunately the tented plant was completely leveled by a heavy storm on 28 Sep 43. Further locations were to follow, such as Caserta (31 Oct 43), Vairano (28 Dec 43), Falciano (16 Apr 44), Anzio (27 May 44), Montepescali (27 Jun 44), Ardenza (26 Jul 44), San Casciano (26 Aug 44), Firenzuola (25 Oct 44), Pistoia (10 Nov 44), San Giovanni (24 Apr 45), and Udine (4 Aug 45). The 16th Evac Hosp was to remain in the Peninsular Base Section (PBS) from 16 Sep 45 to 2 Oct 45, until it was inactivated 31 Oct 45.

80th STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 11 Jul 43 Tunisia – 30 Sep 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
81st STA HOSP – MTO 11 May 43 – 12 Jul 43 Tunisia – 16 May 44 Italy (treated German PWs from 5 Mar 45 onward) (ceased operations 20 Jun 45) (to SWPA 13 Aug 45, diverted at sea to ZI)
92d STA HOSP – IBC 1 Sep 42 – 1 Jun 43 Iceland (activated 20 Jun 42, inactivated 1 Jan 46)
93d STA HOSP – USAFICA 13 Jan 43 – 1 Jul 43 French West Africa – 1 Mar 45 Tripolitania (inactivated 28 Oct 45)
103d STA HOSP – MTO 2 Jun 43 – 2 Aug 43 Tunisia – 5 Jan 44 Italy  (for treating German PWs from 5 Mar 45 on, to SWPA 15 Aug 45, diverted at sea to ZI)
104th STA HOSP – USAFIME 26 Jan 43 – 8 Feb 43 Eritrea – 1 Oct 43 Sudan (disbanded 31 Jul 45)
105th STA HOSP – MTO 12 May 43 – 25 Jul 43 Algeria – 21 Oct 43 Tunisia – 5 Jul 44 Italy (to SWPA 17 Aug 45, diverted at sea to ZI)
106th STA HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 16 Oct 43 Italy (to SWPA 29 Jun 45)
113th STA HOSP – PGC 11 May 43 – 1 Jul 43 Iran (redesignated 113th GEN HOSP 7 Sep 43)
114th STA HOSP – MTO 2 Jun 43 – 2 Jul 43 Tunisia – 5 Jul 44 Italy (to ZI 20 Jul 45)
118th STA HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 14 Oct 43 Italy (to SWPA 29 Jun 45)
131st STA HOSP – USAFCC 1 Sep 42 – 10 Nov 42 Manitoba (to ZI 6 Jan 44)
133d STA HOSP – USAFEC 20 Apr 43 – 1 Jun 43 Quebec (to ZI 18 Jul 44)
134th STA HOSP – USAFEC 20 Apr 43 – 1 Jun 43 Baffin Island (to ZI 17 Jul 44)
151st STA HOSP – MTO 21 Nov 42 – 25 Nov 42 Algeria (inactivated 5 Jun 44, personnel and equipment absorbed by 12th GEN HOSP)
154th STA HOSPPGC 8 Jan 43 – 1 Jul 43 Iran – 6 May 44 Sicily – 23 Jul 44 Italy (to MTO 2 Apr 44, inactivated 1 Oct 45)
167th STA HOSP – IBC 15 Sep 41 – 1 Jun 43 Iceland (combined with 14th STA HOSP and 15th STA HOSP and redesignated 365th STA HOSP 6 Dec 3)
168th STA HOSP – IBC 16 Sep 41 – 24 Sep 42 Iceland (to ETO 3 Aug 43)
175th STA HOSP – USAFSA 30 Mar 42 – 1 Nov 42 Ascension Island (inactivated 30 Sep 45)
180th STA HOSP – MTO 29 Nov 42 – 7 Dec 42 Algeria – 28 Apr 44 Corsica – 20 Oct 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
182d STA HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 19 Oct 43 Italy (to SWPA 16 Aug 45, diverted at sea to ZI)
188th STA HOSP – GBC 3 Sep 42 – 1 Jun 43 Greenland (inactivated 31 Dec 45)
189th STA HOSP – GBC 3 Sep 42 – 1 Jun 43 Greenland (inactivated 11 Dec 44)
190th STA HOSP – GBC 3 Sep 42 – 1 Jun 43 Greenland (inactivated 30 Sep 45)
191st STA HOSP – GBC 3 Sep 42 – 1 Jun 43 Greenland (disbanded 10 Jul 45)
192d STA HOSP – IBC 22 Oct 42 – 1 Jan 43 Iceland (inactivated 24 Jun 43, personnel and equipment absorbed by 92d STA HOSP)
193d STA HOSP – USAFSA 23 Jan 43 – 31 Jan 43 Brazil (inactivated 30 Sep 45)
194th STA HOSP – USAFSA 23 Jan 43 – 31 Jan 43 Brazil (inactivated 5 Oct 45)
200th STA HOSP – USAFSA 23 Jan 43 – 31 Jan 43 Brazil (inactivated 12 Oct 45)
210th STA HOSP – CDC 1 Apr 43 – 7 Apr 43 Panama Canal Zone

Team of the 2d Auxiliary Surgical Group operating on a wounded German soldier. Picture taken in Dec 43 at the 94th Evacuation Hospital. The 400-bed unit arrived in the Mediterranean Theater on 11 May 43, and first served in Algeria where it operated as a Station Hospital set up at Perrégaux from 22 May to 29 Aug 43. It later took part in the invasion of Italy, and set up at Battipaglia (Salerno area) around 15 Sep 43. It would subsequently move further inland, opening at Maddaloni on 11 Oct 43, Riardo 5 Nov 43, Mignano 11 Feb 44; the 94th Evac Hosp was at one time the furthest forward of any Fifth US Army Hospital on the Cassino front! The Hospital provided more medical support during the severe fighting in the Alps and the Po Valley. Ordered to be transferred to the SWPA 13 Aug 45, the unit was diverted at sea, and sailed for the ZI.

221st STA HOSP – BBC 1 Dec 42 – 1 May 43 Bermuda (inactivated 1 Jan 46)
225th STA HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 42 – 10 Nov 43 Italy (to SWPA 16 Aug 45, diverted at sea to ZI)
255th STA HOSP – CDC 1 Jan 43 – 6 Jan 43 Trinidad (disbanded 1 May 44)
256th STA HOSP – PGC 31 Jan 43 – 6 Jun 43 Iran (inactivated 10 Dec 45)
262d STA HOSP – MTO 2 Sep 43 – 27 Nov 43 Italy (to SWPA 22 Jul 45)
292d STA HOSP – CDC 10 Jun 43 – 16 Jun 43 Jamaica (inactivated 15 Jan 47)
293d STA HOSP – CDC 16 Jun 43 – 26 Jun 43 Antigua (disbanded 1 Nov 44)
294th STA HOSP – CDC 16 Jun 43 – 25 Jun 43 Virgin Islands (disbanded 1 Apr 44)
295th STA HOSP – CDC 16 Jun 43 – 25 Jun 43 Puerto Rico (disbanded 1 Apr 44)
296th STA HOSP – CDC 10 Jun 43 – 16 Jun 43 Puerto Rico (inactivated 3 Jun 46)
297th STA HOSP – CDC 10 Jun 43 – 16 Jun 43 Puerto Rico (disbanded 1 May 44)
298th STA HOSP – CDC 10 Jun 43 – 16 Jun 43 Puerto Rico (redesignated 161st GEN HOSP 1 Jun 44)
299th STA HOSP – CDC 10 Jun 43 – 16 Jun 43 Cuba (redesignated 299th MED DISPENSARY 3 Jun 46)
300th STA HOSP – CDC 10 Jun 43 – 16 Jun 43 Cuba (inactivated 1 Feb 47)
301st STA HOSP – CDC 15 Sep 43 – 21 Sep 43 Puerto Rico (attached to 296th STA HOSP 15 Sep 43)
308th STA HOSP – NBC 1 Apr 43 – 1 Jun 43 Newfoundland (inactivated 1 Jan 46)
309th STA HOSP – NBC 1 Apr 43 – 1 Jun 43 Newfoundland (disbanded 8 Sep 45)
310th STA HOSP – NBC 1 Apr 43 – 1 Jun 43 Newfoundland (to ZI 20 Jul 44)
311th STA HOSP – NBC 1 Apr 43 – 1 Jun 43 Newfoundland (to ZI 12 Jul 44)
326th STA HOSP – CDC 10 Jun 43 – 16 Jun 43 Puerto Rico (inactivated 27 Mar 50)
327th STA HOSP – IBC 24 Jun 43 – 2 Jul 43 Iceland (to ETO 30 Oct 43, ex-208th GEN HOSP)
330th STA HOSP – CDC 20 Nov 43 – 26 Nov 43 Puerto Rico (inactivated 31 Mar 49)
333d STA HOSP – CDC 1 Apr 43 – 7 Apr 43 Panama Canal Zone (ex-218th GEN HOSP, redesignated 262d GEN HOSP 1 Apr 44)
334th STA HOSP (German) – MTO 5 Mar 45 (for treating German PWs)
352d STA HOSP – CDC 25 Nov 43 – 30 Nov 43 Surinam (inactivated 3 Jun 46)
353d STA HOSP – CDC 25 Nov 43 – 30 Nov 43 British Guiana (inactivated 15 Jan 47)
354th STA HOSP – CDC 24 Nov 43 – 29 Nov 43 Surinam (disbanded 1 Nov 44)
355th STA HOSP – CDC 25 Nov 43 – 30 Nov 43 St. Lucia (disbanded 1 Nov 44)
356th STA HOSP – CDC 25 Nov 43 – 30 Nov 43 Curaçao (disbanded 22 Aug 45)
358th STA HOSP – CDC 25 Nov 43 – 30 Nov 43 Aruba (disbanded 22 Aug 45)
359th STA HOSP – CDC 25 Nov 43 – 30 Nov 43 Trinidad (ex-41st GEN HOSP, inactivated 31 Mar 47)
365th STA HOSP – IBC 15 Sep 41 – 6 Dec 43 Iceland (combined elements of 14th, 15th and 167th STA HOSP, to ETO 26 Jun 44)
366th STA HOSP – IBC 24 Sep 41 – 6 Dec 43 Iceland (combined elements of 11th and 72d STA HOSP, disbanded 23 Mar 45)
367th STA HOSP – USAFIME 10 Jan 44 – 1 Jan 44 Sudan – 1 Mar 45 French West Africa (activated with surplus personnel of 104th STA HOSP, redesignated 338th MED DETACHMENT 1 Jan 46)
368th STA HOSP – CDC 1 Jan 42 – 1 Apr 44 Panama Canal Zone (inactivated 22 Nov 48, ex-210th GEN HOSP)
370th STA HOSP – MTO 27 Jul 44 – 25 Mar 43 French Morocco (to AMET 1 Mar 45, inactivated 25 Oct 45)
7029th STA HOSP (Italian) – MTO 5 Mar 45 – Italy (for treating Italian POWs)
7607th STA HOSP – MTO 1 Oct 44 -France (Italian STA HOSP)

Note: extra Hospitals were still activated after WW2, such as the 384th STA HOSP (AMET – French Morocco 1 Jan 46), the 391st STA HOSP (MTO – Italy 11 May 46), and the 392d STA HOSP (MTO – Italy 1 Jun 46)

8th Evacuation Hospital, at Pietramala, Italy (14 Oct 44 – 1 Apr 45). This place was called the ‘coldest spot’ on the II Corps front (most forward Hospital) during the battle for the Gothic Line and the offensive against Bologna.

Surgical Hospitals:

48th SURG HOSP – 9 Nov 42 Algeria – 18 Apr 43 Tunisia – 30 Jul 43 Sicily (reorganized and redesignated 128th EVAC HOSP 1 May 43, returned to England 23 Nov 43, where arrived 26 Nov 43, to prepare for D-Day, France, where it landed 10 Jun 44)

Veterinary Hospitals:

110th VET EVAC HOSP – MTO 14 Sep 44 – Italy
130th VET EVAC HOSP – MTO 16 Sep 44 – Italy
211th VET EVAC HOSP – MTO 24 Feb 45 – Italy
212th VET STA HOSP – MTO 2 Oct 44 – Italy
213th VET GEN HOSP (Italian) – MTO 4 Jul 44 – Italy (redesignated 1st VET HOSP 31 Mar 45)
2604th VET STA HOSP (Overhead) – MTO 5 May 45 -Italy (with attached 1st VET STA HOSP, US-Italian)
2605th VET GEN HOSP (Overhead) – MTO 21 Apr 45- Italy (with attached 2d VET GEN HOSP, US-Italian)

View of 12th General Hospital, at Leghorn, Italy (3 Dec 44 – 6 Jul 45), picture taken early 1945. This 1000/2000-bed Hospital was the largest unit in the group of medical installations in the northern outskirts of Leghorn. Between Aug 44 – Nov 47, 8 fixed Hospitals were grouped at Leghorn; 64th Gen Hosp – 55th Sta Hosp – 81st Sta Hosp – 7th Sta Hosp – 33d Gen Hosp – 114th Sta Hosp – 12th Gen Hosp – 61st Sta Hosp. The 12th Gen Hosp arrived in the Mediterranean Theater 26 Dec 42 and opened at the resort village of Aïn et Turk, west of Oran, Algeria, on 14 Jan 43. It occupied 105 villas overlooking the Mediterranean. Transferred to Italy, the 12th operated at Naples, Rome, and Leghorn, before being finally inactivated 15 sep 45.

Separate Medical Battalions:

Medical units temporarily attached to separate Commands, Theaters, Armies or Corps:

26th MED BN – CDC 2 Mar 42 – Puerto Rico (inactivated 1 Sep 43, disbanded 11 Nov 44)
51st MED BN – MTO 11 Nov 42 – 1 Feb 43 Algeria – 14 Feb 43 Tunisia – 12 Jul 43 Sicily – Italy (inactivated 30 Sep 45)
52d MED BN – MTO 27 Apr 43 – French Morocco – 21 Sep 43 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
54th MED BN – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 15 Aug 43 Sicily – 21 Sep 43 Italy (inactivated 8 Sep 45)
56th MED BN – MTO 8 Nov 42 – 12 Nov 42 French Morocco – 14 Feb 43 Algeria – 23 Apr 43 Tunisia – 15 Jul 43 Sicily – 27 Sep 43 Italy – 17 Aug 44 France (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
58th MED BN – MTO 7 May 43 – Algeria – Italy – 21 Aug 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
161st MED BN – MTO 8 Sep 43 – 28 Sep 43 Italy (ex-16th MED REGT) (to ZI 7 Aug 45)
162d MED BN – MTO 25 Aug 43 – 2 Oct 43 Italy (ex-16th MED REGT) (to ZI 28 Aug 45)
163d MED BN – MTO 30 Apr 44 – 1 Jun 44 Italy (to ZI 31 Jul 45)
164th MED BN – MTO 30 Apr 44 – 30 May 44 Italy – 26 Aug 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
181st MED BN – MTO 18 May 44 – 30 May 44 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
261st AMPH MED BN – MTO 11 Jan 43 – Sicily – Italy (to ETO 19 Nov 43)

Medical Supply Depots:

2d MED SUP DEP – 8 Dec 42 Algeria – 15 May 43 Tunisia – 21 Oct 43 Sicily (disbanded 13 Aug 44) 
4th MED SUP DEP – 31 Oct 42 Egypt – 26 Jan 43 French Morocco – 19 Mar 43 Algeria (with subdepots in Tunisia 19 Mar 43 till 8 Jun 43) 1 Sep 43 Sicily (disbanded 15 Aug 44)
7th MED SUP DEP – 14 Jan 43 Iraq – 24 Apr 43 Algeria – 8 Jun 43 Tunisia – 1 Mar 44 Corsica (to ETO 1 Nov 44)
12th MED SUP DEP – 2 Sep 43 Italy (inactivated 27 Oct 45)
20th MED DEP CO – 3 Aug 43 Iceland (inactivated 17 Dec 43)
22d MED DEP CO – 1 Nov 43 Iraq (disbanded 25 Jul 45)
48th MED DEP CO – 15 Aug 44 Italy (inactivated)
60th MED BASE DEP CO – 3 Aug 44 Algeria – 27 Dec 44 Italy (inactivated 12 May 46)
70th MED BASE DEP CO – 13 Aug 44 Algeria (ex-component of 231st MED COMP BN) (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
71st MED BASE DEP CO – 13 Aug 44 Algeria (ex-component of 231st MED COMP BN) (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
72d MED BASE DEP CO – 15 Aug 44 Algeria
73d MED BASE DEP CO – 15 Aug 44 Algeria – 44 Italy (inactivated June 46)
80th MED BASE DEP CO – 4 Dec 44 Italy – 21 Mar 45 Corsica (to SWPA 22 Jul 45)
231st MED COMP BN – MTO 13 Aug 44 Algeria (activated from personnel of 2d MED DEP CO) 9 Sep 44 France (to ETO 20 Nov 44)
232d MED COMP BN – MTO 15 Aug 44 Algeria (activated from personnel of 4th MED DEP CO) 1 Sep 44 Italy (to ETO 20 Nov 44) (inactivated 12 May 46)
684th QM BASE DEP CO – 1 Jun 44 Sicily – 1 Jun 44 Corsica – 1 Sep 44 Italy
PROV DEP CO – 10 Feb 44 Sicily

Auxiliary Surgical Groups:

2d AUX SURG GP – MTO 11 Nov 42 Algeria – 14 Feb 43 Tunisia – 15 Mar 43 French Morocco – 14 Jul 43 Sicily – 9 Sep 43 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France (Group split between Italy and Southern France, reunited in Italy Jun 45, inactivated 14 Sep 45)
3d AUX SURG GP – MTO 16 Feb 43 Algeria – 18 Mar 43 Tunisia – 11 Jul 43 Sicily (to ETO 11 Nov 43)

Blood Transfusion Units:

6703d Blood Transfusion Unit – MTO 44 Italy – 9 Sep 44 France
6707th Blood Transfusion Unit – MTO 44 Italy – 1 Nov 44 France
6713th Blood Transfusion Unit – MTO 44 Italy

Malaria Control Detachments:

2655th MCD – USAFIL 43 Liberia

Malaria Control Units:

19th MCU – MTO 2 Mar 43 – 1 Jul 43 North Africa
20th MCU – MTO 1 Jul 43 North Africa – 10 Jul 43 Sicily
21st MCU – MTO 1 Jul 43 North Africa
22d MCU – MTO 1 Jul 43 North Africa
23d MCU – MTO 1 Jul 43 North Africa
28th MCU – MTO 18 Oct 43 – Oct 43 Italy
42d MCU – MTO 18 Oct 43 – 1 May 44 Italy
131st MCU – MTO Dec 43 Corsica – 1 Sep 44 France
132d MCU – ETO 15 Aug 44 France

Malaria Survey Units:

10th MSU – MTO 2 Mar 43 Algeria
11th MSU – MTO 9 Mar 43 Algeria – 1 Sep 43 Italy
12th MSU – MTO 9 Mar 43 Algeria
14th MSU – MTO 1 Sep 43

Medical Ambulance Companies:

549th MED AMB CO – MTO 22 Jan 44 Italy
551st MED AMB CO – MTO 23 May 44 Italy
2670th MED AMB CO, PROV – MTO 9 Sep 43 Tunisia

Medical Clearing Companies:

383d MED CLR CO – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 15 Aug 43 Sicily – 21 Sep 43 Italy (component of 54th MED BN)
514th MED CLR CO – MTO 7 May 43 – 44 Italy – 21 Aug 44 France (component of 58th MED BN)
601st MED CLR CO – MTO 8 Sep 43 – 28 Sep 43 Italy (component of 161st MED BN)
602d MED CLR CO – MTO 25 Aug 43 – 2 Oct 43 Italy (component of 162d MED BN)
615th MED CLR CO – MTO 30 Apr 44 – 1 Jun 44 Italy (component of 163d MED BN)
616th MED CLR CO – MTO 18 May 44 – 15 Aug 44 France (component of 181st MED BN)
638th MED CLR CO – MTO 30 Apr 44 – 30 May 44 Italy – 26 Aug 44 France (component of 164th MED BN)
682d MED CLR CO – MTO 27 Apr 43 – 21 Sep 43 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France (component of 52d MED BN)
683d MED CLR CO – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 15 Aug 43 Sicily – 21 Sep 43 Italy (component of 54th MED BN)
891st MED CLR CO – MTO 8 Nov 42 – 15 Jul 43 Sicily – 27 Sep 43 Italy – 17 Aug 44 France (component of 56th MED BN)

Medical Collecting Companies:

376th MED COLL CO – MTO 27 Apr 43 – 21 Sep 43 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France (component of 52d MED BN)
377th MED COLL CO – MTO 27 Apr 43 – 21 Sep 43 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France (component of 52d MED BN)
378th MED COLL CO – MTO 27 Apr 43 – 21 Sep 43 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France (component of 52d MED BN)
380th MED COLL CO – MTO 24 Apr 43 – 15 Aug 43 Sicily – 21 Sep 43 Italy (component of 54th MED BN)
388th MED COLL CO – MTO 7 May 43 – 44 Italy – 21 Aug 44 France (component of 58th MED BN)
389th MED COLL CO – MTO 7 May 43 – 44 Italy – 21 Aug 44 France (component of 58th MED BN)
390th MED COLL CO – MTO 7 May 43 – 44 Italy – 21 Aug 44 France (component of 58th MED BN)
402d MED COLL CO – MTO 8 Sep 43 – 28 Sep 43 Italy (component of 161st MED BN)
403d MED COLL CO – MTO 8 Sep 43 – 28 Sep 43 Italy (component of 161st MED BN)
406th MED COLL CO – MTO 25 Aug 43 – 2 Oct 43 Italy (component of 162d MED BN)
675th MED COLL CO – MTO 30 Apr 44 – 11 Sep 44 France (component of 164th MED BN)
676th MED COLL CO – MTO 30 Apr 44 – 30 May 44 Italy – 15 Aug 44 France (component of 164th MED BN)
885th MED COLL CO – MTO 8 Nov 42 – 15 Jul 43 Sicily – 27 Sep 43 Italy – 17 Aug 44 France (component of 56th MED BN)
886th MED COLL CO – MTO 8 Nov 42 – 15 Jul 43 Sicily – 27 Sep 43 Italy – 17 Aug 44 France (component of 56th MED BN)
887th MED COLL CO – MTO 8 Nov 42 – 15 Jul 43 Sicily – 27 Sep 43 Italy – 17 Aug 44 France (component of 56th MED BN)

Medical Conditioning Companies:

6706th MED COND CO – MTO 1 Nov 43 Algeria – 21 Mar 44 Italy (combat conditioning unit removed from 2d CONV HOSP)

Medical General Laboratories:

15th MED GEN LAB – MTO 2 Sep 43 Italy (operated Blood Bank in Naples 15 Jan 44, inactivated 25 Oct 45)

Medical Laboratories:

1st MED LAB- MTO 29 pr 43 – 23 Apr 44 Italy
2d MED LAB – MTO 24 Dec 42 French Morocco – 31 Dec 43 Italy
4th MED LAB – ETO 9 Sep 44 France

Medical Service Battalions:

232d MED SV BN – MTO 15 Aug 44 Italy (ex-232d MED COMP BN, redesignated 232d MED SV BN 21 Nov 44, inactivated 12 May 46)

This page was printed from the WW2 US Medical Research Centre on 27th July 2024 at 07:03.
Read more: https://www.med-dept.com/articles/ww2-military-hospitals-mediterranean-theater-of-operations/