WW2 Medical “MOS” Definitions

Marshalling area somewhere in England, 307th Airborne Medical Company personnel ready to board their Horsa glider for the D-Day operation …
“MOS” signifies Military Occupational Specialty. ‘Military Occupational Classification’ is the awarding of a MOS number based on all pertinent data, concerning ability, education, training, intelligence, aptitude, occupational history, interests, personal traits, military experience, and other demonstrated qualifications. Such information will be clearly recorded so that each individual’s skills can be valued and used to the end that the new serviceman will be assigned to duties in which he, is of the utmost value to the country’s Armed Forces.
To effect proper classification on all jobs performed by Enlisted Men, Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) were given Specification Serial Numbers (SSN) on a scale from 001 > 999.
Numbers below 500, designated military jobs having corresponding occupations in civilian life – such as, Automobile Mechanic (014), Cable Splicer (039), Cook (060), Pharmacist (149), Photographer (152), Tailor (234), Light truck Driver (345), and Clerk-Typist (405), etc.
Numbers above 500, designated jobs having no parallel in civilian life, such as Ammo Bearer (504), Light Machine Gunner (604), Antitank Gunner (610), Military Policeman (677), Rifleman (745), Bugler (803), Medical Supply Technician (825), or Mine Detector Operator (968).
Officers, either directing or supervising operations, also received an occupational classification, while their specific MOS numbers were represented by groups of 4 numerals, such as Postal Officer (0030), Signal Officer (0210), Radio Officer (0500), Glider Pilot (1026), Dental Officer (3170), Ammunition Supply Officer (4514), Public Relations Officer (5401), Legal Assistance Officer (8120), Provost Marshal (9100), Camouflage Officer (9511) to name but a few.
At the Reception Center, the newly inducted recruit, after passing an interview, with or without vocational tests, was classified according to his occupational experience or aptitude, and received an SSN most closely corresponding to his main civilian skill. For a Boilermaker, a Brick Layer, a Riveter, or a Steelworker, the suggested assignment was the Corps of Engineers – for a Longshoreman, it was the Quartermaster Corps – for a Detective, a Police Officer, or a Vice-Squad Patrolman, it was the Provost Marshal General’s Office or the Corps of Military Police, etc. Army requirements in terms of Specification Serial Numbers were formulated primarily in a unit’s T/O, which showed what jobs existed in every unit and how many people were needed for each type of specific job! From the T/Os of all military organizations, the Adjutant General’s Office computed “Requirement and Replacement Rates for Military Specialists” for the guidance of Reception Centers when assigning new men; these rates also included figures covering the needs of each arm or service, and equally served as guides in assigning newly inducted servicemen to the Replacement Training Centers.
Occupation classification, though not always adapted primarily to the needs of the combat arms, was nevertheless the main basis of assignment. Reception Centers, in filling requisitions of units or Replacement Training Centers for personnel, supplied specialists in the proportion called for in the Requirement and Replacement Rates. In order to improve classification, a series of MOS tests were introduced in 1944, for all services in the Army Ground Forces (AGF); they included theoretical questions and practical application of specialist techniques. Some of these were even supplemented by more exercises designed to check the qualification of units to perform their primary missions, such as Quartermaster and Medical Department. They certainly helped in thoroughly checking technical proficiency throughout the Army Ground forces …
Please find herewith some SSN/MOS numbers and their corresponding functions (some do not belong to MD personnel, but represent other ASF functions linked to medical operations in the field):
Physical Therapy Technician (MOS 072) – Laundry Machine Operator (MOS 103) – Laundry Maintenance Mechanic (MOS 104) – Meat or Dairy Inspector (MOS 120) – Utility Repairman (MOS 121) – Pharmacist (MOS 149) – Powerman (MOS 166) – Sanitary Technician (MOS 196) – Medical Secretary (MOS 213) – Medical Equipment Maintenance Technician (MOS 229) – Veterinary Technician (MOS 250) – Occupational Counselor (MOS 262) – Psychiatric Social Worker (MOS 263) – Interpreter (MOS 320) – Truck Driver, Light Trucks (MOS 345) – Clerk-Typist (MOS 405) – Podiatrist (MOS 422) – Optometrist (MOS 452) – Shop Clerk (MOS 457) – Entomology Technician (MOS 484) – First-Aid Man (MOS 666) – Medical Noncommissioned Officer (MOS 673) – Messenger, Dispatcher (MOS 676) – Veterinary Ambulance Orderly (MOS 700) – Water Supply Technician (MOS 727) – Utilities Noncommissioned Officer (MOS 822) – Mess Sergeant (MOS 824) – Medical Supply Noncommissioned Officer (MOS 825) – Supply Clerk (MOS 835) – Prosthetic Dental Supply Clerk (MOS 847) – Dental Assistant + Dental Technician (MOS 855) – Surgical Technician (MOS 861) – Photographic Laboratory Technician (MOS 945) – Graves Registration Technician (MOS 980)
A number of existing Specification Serial Numbers which formerly appeared in WD Circulars, AR 615-26 and its supplements, and TM 12-247 dated 12 July 1944, were subsequently deleted 30 June 1945, as being no longer authorized to designate Military Occupational Specialties.
Here follows an incomplete list of some specific MOS numbers with definition, pertaining to Medical Department personnel.
Dental Laboratory Technician (MOS 067):
Dental Mechanic, Dental Laboratory Technician; fabricates and repairs partial and full dentures to replace missing teeth. Makes plaster-of-Paris casts from wax impressions and sets artificial teeth individually in wax, manipulating articulator to bring castings of upper and lower jaws together to ascertain that each tooth is properly set. Processes vulcanite and plastic materials and completes denture by hand trimming with knife, file, or sandpaper and polishing on buffing lathe. Makes bridges, splints, metal clasps, crowns, and inlays by making moulds for dentures and casting and soldering parts according to specifications. Repairs broken dentures and bridges. Completion of course in Dental Laboratory work or equivalent experience required.
Radiology Technician (MOS 264):
Radiologist; takes X-ray photographs of parts of human body with X-ray machines for use in diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases. Positions patient under X-ray according to part of body exposed and depending upon thickness of bones and tissues, determines proper voltage and amperage required, distance of patient from machine, and length of exposure. Manipulates levers which control duration and intensity of exposure. Develops films in photographic darkroom, preparing solutions and immersing negative, in succession, in developing tank, rinse water, fixing tank, and in wash solution. Hangs X-ray film on drying rack. Makes minor repairs to X-ray machine such as replacing fuses, switches, circuit breakers, wires and X-ray tubes. Must have knowledge of anatomy, X-ray techniques, and darkroom methods. Completion of X-Ray Technician course at Army School or equivalent experience required.
Optician (MOS 365):
Optician; grinds, polishes, cuts and edges eyeglasses according to specifications, using a lens grinding machine which has adjustable dioptric scale that can be set to produce lens with any prescribed curvature. Takes facial measurements of soldier and mounts lenses on proper sized frame. Adjusts eyeglasses to face at proper angles to obtain maximum effect of lenses. Requisitions lenses and frames from medical supply unit. May fit eyeglasses in gas masks. Civilian experience as Optician or equivalent military experience required.
Orthopedic Mechanic (MOS 366):
Orthopedic; makes various types of braces, supports, artificial limbs, and other orthopedic appliances for feet and legs according to specifications. Assembles artificial limbs by attaching metal joints to related parts. Hollows out artificial limbs with carving tools and makes necessary corrections to fit wearer. Forms plaster cast of foot or obtains imprint of member on paper, and fashions support from stainless steel, plastics, cork, steel, and leather, using rivet punch, electric drill, chisels, saws, hammers, and other hand tools. Moulds leather parts over wooden lasts and rivets them to braces with riveting machine. Completion of Orthopedic Technician course at Army School or equivalent experience required.
Medical Technician (MOS 409):
Medical Technician; performs various medical duties to assist Medical Officers in care and treatment of sick, injured, or wounded. Gives emergency medical treatment to casualties and prepares them for evacuation. Cleans and bandages injuries and wounds, applies arm and leg splints, administers hypodermic injections, and sterilizes instruments and equipment. Assists Medical Officers by performing such duties as: keeping records of patients; administering medicines; taking temperature, pulse, respiratory rate; taking physical measurements; operation of electrocardiograph; treating minor injuries; and making blood counts and determining blood types. Completion of Medical Technician’s course at Army School or equivalent experience required.
Medical Corpsman (MOS 657):
First-Aid Man, Hospital Orderly, Litter Bearer, Ambulance Driver, Corpsman; administers first-aid treatment to sick, injured, or wounded. Performs various duties to assist technician in Medical Department activities. Treats minor injuries and wounds, such as cuts, blisters, contusions, and lacerations, applying medicants and bandaging wounds. Makes and applies arm or leg splints, treats patients for shock, and stops bleeding by applying tourniquet at pressure points. Lifts patient onto litter, and carries him to Aid Station, Ambulance Loading Point, or Collecting Station. Performs routine duties in care and treatment of patients, taking temperature and pulse readings, bathing and feeding patients, and preparing patients for operation. Makes beds, cleans and washes equipment and floors, and assists in sterilizing instruments. Performs related duties as directed. Must have received medical basic training.
Medical Administrative Specialist (MOS 673):
Medical Administrative Specialist; supervises personnel of medical unit in administration or care and treatment of sick, injured and wounded. May assist in supervision of operation of hospital units or dispensaries; inspection of kitchens, mess halls, latrines, and garbage pits; and cleaning of medical supplies. May instruct medical enlisted personnel in such duties as first aid, nursing, and sterilization of instruments. May supervise preparation of medical records and reports. Completion of technical course at Army Medical School or equivalent experience very desirable.
Medical Supply Technician (MOS 825):
Medical Supply Technician; supervises requisitioning, storing and issuing of medical supplies and equipment. Supervises maintenance of stock record cards, preparation of requisitions, issue of stock and equipment, handling of medical supply correspondence, and preparation of memorandum and consolidated receipts. Takes physical inventory of stock on hand and prepares status reports. Must be familiar with medical terminology, supplies, and equipment. Must be familiar with manner of storage of medical supplies. Must be familiar with Army Regulations governing property accountability and responsibility.
Medical Laboratory Technician (MOS 858):
Medical Laboratory Technician; conducts scientific laboratory tests and analyses at medical laboratory to determine presence of germs and chemical composition of compounds, and to prepare culture, vaccines, and serums. Sets up and adjusts apparatus, such as beakers, tubes, mortars, burners, centrifuge, microscope, and slides. Makes various biochemical and microscopic analyses such as blood tests, blood counts, and urinalysis, Wasserman tests for syphilis, bacteria tests, malaria smears and similar tests. Prepares cultures, vaccines, serums, and biologicals, and administers preventive and curative vaccines and serums. May operate electrocardiograph and basal metabolism equipment and record data. May process human blood to prepare plasma. Should have working knowledge of laboratory techniques, histology and parasitology. Completion of a Laboratory Technician course at any Army School or equivalent training and experience required.

Illustration showing part of Officers’ Specification Serial Numbers (SSN), taken from T/O & E 5-16, dated 13 March 1944, Headquarters, Engineer Combat Battalion
Pharmacy Technician (MOS 859):
Pharmacy Technician; compounds and dispenses medicines and prepares stock solutions and powders according to specifications. Determines quantity and kind of chemicals and drugs from prescription or stock number and weighs out on scales, or measures proper amounts. Pulverizes ingredients in mortar, measures solutions in graduated cylinders, pours liquids into bottles, and affixes labels stating name of compound and dosage to boxes and bottles. Maintains file of all prescriptions and record of all narcotics received and issued. Must have knowledge of apothecaries’ system and be able to use balances, hydrometers, thermometers, and chemical equipment. Must have knowledge of chemistry and physical properties of solid and liquid matter. Completion of Army Pharmacy course, or equivalent civilian training and experience required.
Psychologist (MOS 2252):
Psychologist; administers and evaluates individual and group tests to determine intellectual, educational, and personality status of individual, and assists in psychotherapy and guidance. Interviews patients and obtains developmental history and family background; administers pertinent tests of intelligence, vocational, and educational achievement, and personality and interest; interprets test results; makes diagnosis of personality adjustment and writes report of findings and recommendations for inclusion in clinical record; aids individual in adjusting to environmental situation, assisting in psychotherapy and guidance. May serve as member of reclassification or disposition board. Must have thorough knowledge of psychological tests and should be able to make differential diagnosis on basis of test data. Knowledge of abnormal and social psychology very desirable. Civilian experience in abnormal or clinical psychological practice in public or private institution, hospital, court, school, or industrial organization essential. Should have Master’s degree in Psychology with specialization in clinical, educational, or industrial psychology.
Medical Registrar (MOS 2431):
Medical Registrar; performs responsible duties in connection with preparation, maintenance, and disposition of medical and surgical records of sick and wounded in military hospital or dispensary. Prepares reports, historical and statistical data pertaining to admmittance, diagnoses, treatment, response, and disposition of patients; checks written diagnoses for conformity of nomenclature and form to prescribed procedures, and makes corrections; maintains files on each patient containing pertinent information; arranges for detraining of convoys and assignment of cases to appropriate wards; reviews requests for transfer and certificate of disability discharge for conformity with prescribed procedure; supervises clerical workers in filling out and filing forms; serves as custodian of patients’ funds, property, and personal effects. May command detachment of patients if Commanding Officer does not assume direct command. Military experience very desirable and should include 6 months in a Hospital or Dispensary Registrar’s office. Civilian experience in clerical work with some administrative responsibilities, particularly in records’ section of a hospital, very desirable.
Post Surgeon (MOS 3001):
Post Surgeon; directs medical activities of post, camp, or station and keeps Commanding Officer informed regarding status and capabilities of medical services of post. Supervises care and treatment of sick and wounded, and dental, veterinary, sanitary, or other medical services of installation; provides for inspection of post for proper sanitation; directs maintenance of records and preparation of medical reports. Must be Flight Surgeon for duty with Army Air Forces. Military experience essential. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Medical Officer, General Duty (MOS 3100):
Medical Officer; performs various medical functions either in hospital, dispensary, or field unit. On hospital duty, writes case histories and examines and treats sick and wounded personnel; on field duty, is responsible for treatment of illness and injury, including battle casualties, collection and evacuation of sick and wounded, and technical and tactical control of medical unit to which assigned. Supervises and instructs enlisted personnel in care and treatment of injury and disease. Depending upon the organization to which assigned, performs duties entirely professional or largely administrative and tactical in nature. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Gastro-Enterologist (MOS 3105):
Gastro-Enterologist; diagnoses and treats diseases of gastro-intestinal system and diseases of metabolism. Obtains and studies case histories of patients and follows progress of disease; studies X-Ray examinations; makes and interprets various specialized tests of gastro-intestinal system and acts as consultant in this specialty to other services of hospital; supervises diets of patients in gastro-enterological wards. Must have specialized training or experience in residency or private practice in gastro-enterology and metabolic diseases. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Ophthalmologist & Otorhinolaryngologist (MOS 3106):
Ophthalmologist & Otorhinolaryngologist; diagnoses and treats patients suffering from injuries, diseases, or disorders of the eye, ear, nose, throat, operating as case requires. Makes eye, ear, nose and throat examinations; supervises care of patients by nurses and enlisted technicians; refracts eyes of patients and prescribes eyeglasses in treatment of visual disorders; writes case histories and other medical reports; performs medical administrative duties such as determining supply requirements and requisitioning medical supplies and equipment. Civilian experience normally includes 2 years experience in treatment of eye, ear, nose, and throat diseases either in residency or private practice. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.

Interior view of a dispensary, 8th Evacuation Hospital, Lake Garda, Italy.
Cardiologist (MOS 3107):
Cardiologist; diagnoses and treats patients afflicted with cardio-vascular diseases and disorders. Makes and interprets electro-cardiograms, regulates diets, trains nurses and enlisted technicians in making of electro-cardiograms, and supervises ward personnel in care of patients; is responsible for ward sanitation and for requisitioning and maintenance of supplies. Civilian experience should normally include 2 years experience in cardiology either in residency or private practice. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Obstetrician & Gynecologist (MOS 3108):
Obstetrician & Gynecologist; supervises and performs deliveries and surgical operations in maternity cases. Provides pre-operative and post-operative care for mother and infant; conducts pre-natal clinic on regularly scheduled dates; conducts gynecologic clinic and performs gynecologic operations as indicated. Civilian experience should include at least 2 years medical practice in these specialties. Must have 2 years Obstetrical and Gynecologic internship or residency. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Urologist (MOS 3111):
Urologist; diagnoses and treats patients suffering from injuries, diseases, or disorders of genito-urinary tract, operating as indicated. Supervises care of urological patients; is consultant in urology for other services; requisitions and maintains medical supplies and equipment incident to this specialty, particularly cytoscope and related instruments. Must be skilled in use of cytoscope and in treatment of urinary tract disorders . Must have specialized training or experience in Urology. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Dermatologist (MOS 3112):
Dermatologist; directs professional care of patients admitted to dermatology ward or service. Diagnoses and treats patients with disease of skin and its appendages; is consultant in this specialty to other services of hospital to which assigned. Must have specialized training or experience in Dermatology either in private practice or residency. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Allergist (MOS 3113):
Allergist; diagnoses and treats patients suffering from conditions of allergic origin. Obtains and studies case histories of patients; makes and interprets various specialized tests essential to examination of patients with allergic manifestations; is consultant in this specialty to other services of hospital. Must have specialized training or experience of at least 1 year residency or private practice in diseases of Allergy. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Anesthetist (MOS 3115):
Anesthetist; administers or supervises administration of anesthetics. Determines best anesthetic to be used in view of patient’s general condition and nature of operation to be performed; keeps operating surgeon advised as to condition of patient with respect to anesthetical treatment and reactions before, during and immediately after operation; maintains equipment for administration of anesthetics in serviceable condition and packs such equipment as necessary for outside work; instructs personnel in administration of anesthetics, and records observations while administering anesthetics. Experience in administration of Anesthetics in a military hospital desirable. Experience with a field medical unit desirable for work in Evacuation Hospital. Experience should include at least 1 year of work limited to Anesthesia, either in residency or private practice. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.

Illustration showing the typical equipment found on an Anesthetist’s tray during a surgical procedure in the field.
Medical Officer, Communicable Disease (MOS 3116):
Medical Officer, Communicable Disease; diagnoses and treats patients who have communicable diseases. Supervises isolation precautions; suggests preventive measures to rest of command to prevent spread of communicable diseases; is consultant to other medical services in this specialty. In addition to working with communicable diseases, will usually be assigned to pediatrics service for children eligible for military medical care. Should have training or experience in Communicable Diseases, either in residency or private practice. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Ophthalmologist (MOS 3125):
Ophthalmologist; diagnoses and treats patients suffering from injuries, diseases or disorders of the eye, operating as cases require. Supervises care of patients by nurses and enlisted technicians; gives examinations to candidates for commissions and others; refracts eyes of patients and prescribes glasses to correct visual disorders; writes case histories and prepares records of activities and other reports; performs medical administrative duties such as procuring, storing, and issuing medical supplies and equipment. May interpret completed X-Rays. Must have training or experience in Ophthalmology. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Otorhinolaryngologist (MOS 3126):
Otorhinolaryngologist; diagnoses and treats patients suffering from injuries, diseases or disorders, of the ear, nose, or throat, operating as cases require. Supervises care of patients by nurses and enlisted technicians; gives ear, nose, and throat examinations; writes case histories and prepares records and reports of activities; performs medical-administrative duties such as procuring, storing, and issuing medical supplies and equipment. May interpret completed X-Rays. Must have training or experience in Otorhinolaryngology. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Neuropsychiatrist (MOS 3130):
Neuropsychiatrist; examines, diagnoses, and treats patients referred for psychiatric treatment. Performs complete physical, mental, and neurological examination and obtains developmental and family history from patient and other sources; makes preliminary and final diagnoses, indicates treatment, and supervises its administration, including fever therapy, hydrotherapy, shock therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, sanitation, and medication; makes daily ward inspections and supervises nursing care; recommends final disposition of cases; advises other medical officers of problems of mental hygiene and mental disorders; provides neuropsychiatric consultations; trains and instructs nurses and ward personnel in care and treatment of patients. May participate in preventive programs. May perform medical-administrative duties such as assigning personnel, requisitioning ward property and supplies, and preparing data for presentation before boards. May present testimony before courts martial on questions of psychiatric nature. Must have training and experience for at least 1 year in internal medicine, Neurology, and Psychiatry. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Neurosurgeon (MOS 3131):
Neurosurgeon; examines patients suffering from injuries and diseases of nervous system, operating as indicated. Directs preparation for operation and supervises nurses, technicians, and other assistants; supervises pre-operative and post-operative care and treatment; directs care of patient in wards to which assigned; is responsible for maintenance of medical records. Must have at least 2 years’ training or experience in general surgery and Neurosurgery. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Medical Officer, Internist (MOS 3139):
Medical Officer, Internist; diagnoses and treats patients with any of the general or special diseases of internal medicine, without particular reference to any one specialty. When necessary, consults with specialist in particular branches of medicine regarding diagnosis and treatment; orders and interprets special tests and procedures generally utilized for diagnosis; is consultant to other services of installation in cases of general medical conditions. Should be trained in particular field of medicine to which assigned. Must have training or experience in private practice devoted to Internal Medicine without regard to any particular specialty. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Medical Officer, General Surgery (MOS 3150):
Medical Officer, General Surgery; examines, diagnoses, and treats illnesses and injuries of patients with general surgical conditions, operating as cases require. Directs, supervises pre-operative and post-operative care of patients; consults with other medical officers on general surgical conditions; supervises management of ward patients and is responsible for maintenance of records on cases to which assigned. Must have general experience in surgery which covers a variety of fields. Must have at least 2 years residency in General Surgery or its equivalent in private practice. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 2 years internship.
Thoracic Surgeon (MOS 3151):
Thoracic Surgeon; examines patients suffering from surgical diseases and injuries of the thorax and performs surgical operations as required. Supervises and instructs, officers, nurses, and enlisted technicians in surgical treatment of thoracic diseases and of casualties suffering from thoracic injuries; also supervises and instructs subordinates in pre-operative and post-operative care and dressing of wounds; performs endoscopic examinations; maintains records on each case. Must have at least 1 year residency in General Surgery and 1 year in Thoracic Surgery, or equivalent private practice. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Plastic Surgeon (MOS 3152):
Plastic Surgeon; examines and treats patients suffering from conditions requiring plastic surgery. Performs surgical operations and supervises pre-operative and post-operative care; directs and instructs officers, nurses and enlisted technicians in technique and care of maxillo-facial wounds and other plastics procedures; maintains case records. Must have at least 2 years full-time training or experience in Plastic Surgery, including work in maxillo-facial surgical techniques and reconstruction of parts of appendages and replacement of skin as indicated in plastic repair. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Orthopedic Surgeon (MOS 3153):
Orthopedic Surgeon; examines and treats patients suffering from disorders of bones and joints. Supervises application of splints; interprets X-Rays of orthopedic cases; reduces and immobilizes fractures by open or closed methods as indicated; supervises pre-operative and post-operative care of patients and administration of orthopedic wards, is responsible for maintenance of records on orthopedic cases and of orthopedic appliances; is consultant to other services on disorders of bones and joints; instructs classes in first-aid and definitive treatment of fractures, and instructs ward personnel in care of orthopedic cases. Must have training or experience in General and Orthopedic Surgery. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Venereal Disease Control Officer (MOS 3155):
VD Officer; initiates and directs measures to prevent and control venereal disease and advises medical staffs and other officers on various phases of prevention and control. Coordinates activities of military and civilian governing authorities in elimination of prostitution and prevention of venereal disease; instructs military personnel in proper administration of prophylaxis and inspects Army prophylactic stations, observing attendants at work to insure that their treatments are proper and their training is adequate; investigates cases of venereal disease to determine sources of infection and discover any laxity in application of control measures; insures continuity of treatment of cases of venereal disease by maintaining liaison between unit commanders and treating agencies; interviews officers and enlisted men to determine whether or not Army Regulations concerning VD control are being followed; works in cooperation with local health authorities in venereal disease control measures and recommends invocation of the May Act when necessary. Military experience desirable. Civilian experience should include 2 years residency or private practice concerned with control of Venereal Disease problems. 2 years service in Medical Department will be accepted in lieu of indicated civilian experience. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.

Major Vaiden B. Kendrick (O-415628), Dental Officer of the 38th Evacuation Hospital carries out a routine oral examination on a patient.
Dental Officer (MOS 3170):
Dental Officer; performs duties incumbent upon general practioner of dentistry. Examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases, abnormalities, injuries, and defects of teeth and their investing tissues; instructs personnel in care of dento-oral health; prepares reports and surveys of dental service; assists Medical Corps officers in care of sick and wounded in combat areas; supervises requisitioning, procuring, care, and maintenance of dental supplies and equipment. Must be licensed to practice Dentistry. Must be engaged in active ethical practice of Dentistry at time of appointment. Must be graduate of accredited Dental College.
Oral Surgeon, Dental (MOS 3171):
Dental Surgeon, Oral; examines, diagnoses, and treats, by surgical or other means, all infections, diseases, abnormalities, injuries, afflictions, and pathology of oral tissues and supporting structures and of maxillary, mandibular,and adjacent bones. Surgically removes cysts and neoplasms of oral soft or bony tissues; reduces and provides proper fixation and treatment of fractures of jaw and adjacent bones; administers or supervises administration of local and general anesthetics for use in dento-oral cases; prepares and maintains reports and records of progress of hospitalized dental cases and cooperates with Medical Corps officers in care of such cases; cooperates with orthopedists and plastic surgeons in care and treatment of maxillo-facial injuries. Should be thoroughly familiar with all laboratory procedures involved in care of Oral Surgery patients. Must be licensed to practice Dentistry. Must be engaged in active ethical practice of Dentistry at time of appointment. Should have background of extensive experience in Oral Surgery and have been a member of hospital staff. An internship, fellowship, or residency in a recognized hospital or other institution desirable. Must be graduate of accredited Dental School.
Exodontist (MOS 3172):
Exodontist; examines, diagnoses and removes infected or affected teeth. Should be proficient in administration of both local and general anesthetics. Must be licensed to practice Dentistry. Extensive training or experience in Exodontia very desirable. Hospital internship or residency desirable. Must be graduate of accredited College with postgraduate in Exodontia.
Periodontist (MOS 3174):
Periodontist; examines, diagnoses, and treats diseases of the investing tissues of teeth. Must be proficient in conservative and surgical treatment of Periodental Pathology and fully cognizant of various accepted methods of treating such conditions. Should be qualified to adequately and properly instruct patients in home care of investing tissues of teeth to maintain them in healthy condition following treatment. Must be licensed to practice Dentistry. Must be engaged in active ethical practice of Dentistry at time of appointment. Extensive training or experience in Periodontia very desirable. Must be graduate of accredited Dental College. Postgraduate study of Periodontia very desirable.
Prosthodontist (MOS 3175):
Prosthodontist; examines and diagnoses cases requiring restoration of missing teeth. Constructs or supervises construction of fixed or removable bridges and full or partial dentures to replace such missing teeth. Must be licensed to practice Dentistry. Must be engaged in active, ethical practice of Dentistry at time of appointment. Extensive training or experience in Prosthetic Pentistry essential. Must be graduate of accredited Dental College. Postgraduate study in Prosthetic Dentistry very desirable.
Dental Officer, Staff (MOS 3178):
Dental Officer, Staff; assists Staff Surgeon of unit or installation and informs Staff Surgeon regarding current status and capabilities of dental service of the command. Advises Staff Surgeon on matters pertaining to oral health, qualifications and proper assignment of Dental Officers, and dental personnel required to meet needs of command; supervises dental service of command and training of dental personnel for tactical assignments; conducts inspections of dental clinics to insure maintenance of records according to regulations, maintenance of dental equipment and supplies, and adequacy and suitability of equipment. Must be licensed to practice Dentistry. Military experience as Dental Officer essential. Must be graduate of accredited Dental College.
Veterinary Officer (MOS 3200):
Veterinary Officer; directs and participates in treatment of sick and wounded animals and in combat, establishes, selects sites for, and supervises operation of veterinary aid station for reception and treatment of animal casualties. Diagnoses and treats sick and wounded animals; performs surgical operations; classifies animal casualties as salvageable or unsalvageable, destroying the latter in accordance with prescribed methods; inspects stables, corrals, and forage, and corrects unsanitary conditions; performs administrative functions such as supervising preparation of records and reports, requisitioning and maintaining veterinary supplies and equipment, and assisting in administration of veterinary unit. May conduct training courses for enlisted personnel in veterinary practice and animal hygiene. May inspect meat, meat foods, and dairy products. Should have 1 year civilian Veterinary practice. Must be graduate of accredited Veterinary College.
Meat & Dairy Products Inspector (MOS 3221):
Meat & Dairy Products Inspector; inspects meat, meat food, and dairy products and ascertains by inspection that proper sanitation and processing methods are maintained in food plants. Supervises and instructs personnel in performance of meat and dairy products inspection duties; inspects food products of animal origin for sanitary condition and compliance with specifications. May perform duties of general Veterinary Officer, diagnosing and treating sick and wounded animals. Must be qualified to perform duties of general Veterinary Officer. Must have experience in Inspection of Meat and Dairy Products. Must be graduate of accredited Veterinary College.

Illustration showing Officers and Enlisted Men’s MOS Numbers, taken from T/O & E 8-1, dated 14 February 1945, Collecting Company, Medical Battalion.
Medical Inspector (MOS 3301):
Medical Inspector; inspects sanitation within command and recommends measures for improvement and maintenance. Inspects or directs physical condition of troops; investigates adequacy of water supplies; inspects hospital wards, operating rooms, dispensaries, kitchens, mess halls, and sewage and refuse disposal facilities; gives particular attention to quality and sufficiency of mess operations; inspects health control measures for effectiveness; studies and determines causes of undue prevalence of communicable disease; prepares reports and directives concerning findings during inspections and makes monthly report on sanitation within command. Must have at least 6 months military experience in Medical Corps, preferably in field units. Graduation from the Medical Field Service School essential. Must have at least 1 year civilian experience in Public Health Service inspection or investigation or in closely related activities. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Medical Laboratory Officer (MOS 3303):
Medical Officer, Laboratory; supervises laboratory service of Medical Department unit. Plans and supervises operations of laboratory according to directives and needs reported by ward officers; procures and assigns personnel to duties; instructs personnel in laboratory procedures; supervises procurement of supplies and equipment required for laboratory; maintains records of activities of laboratory personnel. May perform technical duties relating to laboratory operations such as blood typing, examining of tissues for pathological conditions, and process work in sanitary and epidemiological surveys. May render medical and surgical service within unit to which laboratory is attached. May command mobile Medical Laboratory. Must have civilian experience in hospital or Medical School Laboratory and be qualified clinical pathologist. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Radiologist (MOS 3306):
Radiologist; makes and supervises making of X-Ray and fluoroscopic examinations. Directs developing of films and interprets films and fluoroscopic screen images; confers with Surgeons, Medical Officers, and Dental Officers in diagnosis of cases through interpretation of X-Ray examinations; trains officers and enlisted technicians in technical use of X-Ray equipment, and in interpretation of X-Ray films; in the field, supervises care, installation, and packing of equipment; maintains records and files of activities. May perform superficial or deep roentgentherapy. Must have specialized training or experience in Roentgentherapy. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Bacteriologist (MOS 3307):
Bacteriologist; performs and supervises diagnostic bacteriological operations in hospital or laboratory. Conducts and directs research studies in bacteriological subjects relating to control of infectious diseases; studies methods of isolating and stabilizing bacteria; collects, isolates, classifies, and studies specimens of blood and discharge and makes microscopic examinations and analyses; prepares and maintains stock cultures of bacteria and conducts routine serologic tests; administers vaccines and sera; prepares reports of laboratory studies, tests, and findings. May perform autopsies and make clinical pathological studies. May investigate special problems such as immunological prevention of dental caries and investigation of antigens for production of “immune” vaccine. Must have at least 2 years experience in medical diagnostic and public health Bacteriology at hospital, Medical School, private agency producing biological products, research agency, or governmental health agency. Must be University or College graduate and holder of Bachelor of Science degree with major study in Bacteriology and minor study in Chemistry.
Biochemist (MOS 3309):
Biochemist; performs chemical analyses of body fluids including, blood, urine, pus, and other exudates and transudates. Makes blood sugar determinations; determines blood nitrogen levels; makes blood, urine, and spinal fluid studies; determines concentrations of drugs such as sulfonamides; performs milk and water chemical analyses; in toxicology, identifies poisons of animal, vegetable, and mineral origin in connection with analysis of body fluids, foods, and unknown materials. Depending on station assignment, may perform all or any of above duties. Practical laboratory experience in Chemistry or Biochemistry essential. Must be College or University graduate with specialization in Chemistry or Biochemisty.
Parasitologist (MOS 3310):
Parasitologist; makes surveys for parasites and vectors, examines diagnostic material by clinical laboratory methods, identifying gross and microscopic specimens and forwarding diagnosis to attending physicians; maintains insect colonies for laboratory study and instruction purposes; prepares antigens for parasitological treatment inoculation. May teach Parasitology and Entomology to enlisted and commissioned personnel by lecture and demonstration. May prepare instructional aids such as pamphlets, lantern slides, specimens, and histopathological sections. Military experience in field units of Medical Department desirable. Must have 2 years civilian experience in Parasitology, or 1 year in Entomology , and 1 year in Parasitology. Must be graduate of approved College or University with specialization in physical science. Graduation from Medical School desirable.
Serologist (MOS 3311):
Serologist; prepares, standardizes, and supervises production of diagnostic antigens and sera. Performs and supervises performance, examination, and interpretation of serological tests; maintains record of serological reactions; maintains or supervises maintenance of stock culture collections of bacteria; makes research studies concerned with production and testing of experimental vaccines, as for cholera. May teach Serological technique, interpretation and performance of clinical laboratory tests. Military experience not required for jobs of lower grade and lesser responsibility, but administrative Army experience considered desirable for higher grades . Must have 2 years experience as Serologist or Immunologist in hospital, health center, or Medical School. Must be graduate of accredited College or University with specialization in Serology and Bacteriology.
Entomologist (MOS 3315):
Entomologist; is consultant in matters pertaining to insect and vermin control. Makes entomological surveys; identifies insects of medical importance; recommends control measures; supervises execution of approved recommendations and maintains entomological records. Must have 1 year experience plus graduate degree in medical Entomology. Must be graduate of approved College or University with major in Entomology.
Pathologist (MOS 3325):
Pathologist; performs autopsies and other pathological and bacteriological examinations to determine cause of deaths or for experimental and research work in study of pathogens, antigens, and antibodies. Performs and supervises related laboratory research work in subjects such as hematology, bacteriology, urinalysis, and blood chemistry; is consultant in obscure disease conditions; prepares reports of activities and results of findings. Instructs enlisted technicians in clinical pathology, hematology, bacteriology, urinalysis, and blood chemistry. Must be well trained in histology and microscopic and macroscopic study of tissues. Must have 1 year residency or private practice in Clinical Pathology or have completed approved Medical Department course in the field. Must be graduate of Medical School approved by The Surgeon General and have completed 1 year internship.
Physical Therapy Aide (MOS 3418):
Physical Therapy Aide; supervises physical therapy treatment of military personnel. Supervises nurses and enlisted assistants in giving exercise, electrotherapy, and hydrotherapy treatments as prescribed by qualified Medical Officer; maintains records and charts and prepares reports on management of physical therapy department; conducts instruction courses in physical technique for personnel of Medical Department installations; is responsible for sanitation and cleanliness of physical therapy clinic and for maintenance and requisition of supplies. Must have completed 2 years of College with major emphasis either in Physical Education or Biological Sciences, or have completed approved courses in Nursing and Physical Therapy. Completion of a 4 years’ College course in physical education very desirable.

A Physical Therapy Aide assists a group of five male amputees with prosthetic legs exercising in a Rehabilitation Center. Photograph taken in 1945.
Hospital Dietitian (MOS 3420):
Hospital Dietitian; supervises preparation of food for patients of Army Hospital. Constructs standardized recipes and directs preparation and serving of food with emphasis on nutrients, palatability, and attractiveness; calculates and directs preparation and service of special and metabolic diets prescribed by Medical Officers; instructs patients in correct food and dietary habits; plans daily menus with special reference to proper diet and nutritional balance so as to utilize available food supplies; assists in requisitioning food supplies and kitchen equipment; maintains accounts and records of dietetic department. Must be College graduate who has majored in Foods and Nutrition or institutional management. Must have completed approved Dietitian’s training course. 2 years’ Dietetic experience in hospital approved by The Surgeon General may be accepted in place of the 2 years’ training course.
Nurse, Administrative (MOS 3430):
Nurse, Administrative; supervises nursing service of Medical Department installation. Instructs, assigns, disciplines, and inspects duty performance of Army Nurse Corps personnel of unit; assigns tasks to female civilian employees within the Corps; and supervises their performance of duty; keeps personnel records of members of Army Nurse Corps within command, and supervises preparation of all reports, returns, and charts regarding nursing service; requisitions equipment and property for Nurses’ quarters. May supervise Nurse’s mess, plan menus, supervise sanitation, and execute administrative details. Must be qualified to administer narcotics, to provide for their safekeeping, and to record dosages of narcotics administered. Must possess executive ability, good judgment, and tact. Must be registered Nurse. Experience in Army Nurse Corps desirable. Civilian hospital experience in administration of nursing activities acceptable in place of experience in Army Nurse Corps. Must have completed 3 years’ training at approved Nursing School.
Nurse, Operating Room (MOS 3443):
Nurse, Operating Room; makes preparations for and assists Surgeon in performing surgical operations. Secures, prepares, maintains, and sterilizes necessary supplies and equipment; sets up aseptic field for operation; assists Surgeon during operation, either as a member of surgical team, or as assistant, keeping surgical team supplied with aseptic materials. Must be qualified to administer narcotics, to provide for their safekeeping, and to record dosages of narcotics administered. Must have civilian or military experience as Operating Room Nurse. Must be graduate of accredited School of Nursing and be Registered Nurse; should have postgraduate courses in this type of nursing.
Nurse, Anesthetist (MOS 3445):
Nurse, Anesthetist; administers anesthetics to patients under direction of Surgeon. Keeps Surgeon advised of patient’s condition and reaction to anesthesia during operation; accompanies patient to his room following the operation and observes immediate reaction to anesthesia; assists in administration of measures to eliminate shock; keeps records of patient’s reaction during and immediately following anesthesia; maintains equipment for anesthetic administration in serviceable condition. Must be qualified to administer narcotics, to provide for their safekeeping, and to record dosages of narcotics administered. Completion of 6 months course in Anesthesia at military hospital desirable. Civilian experience in Anesthetic Administration desirable. Must be graduate of accredited School of Nursing and be Registered Nurse.
Nurse, General Duty (MOS 3449):
Nurse, General Duty; renders general nursing care to all types of patients. Plans daily schedules for care of groups of patients; prepares for and administers prescribed therapeutic treatments; assists physician in treatment and diagnostic measures; meets medical and surgical emergencies which arise in absence of physician; keeps watch over patients’ condition, securing services of physician when necessary; keeps record on progress of patients; requisitions supplies and cares for equipment in ward; maintains wards and surrounding areas in best possible condition; affords companionship, sympathy, encouragement, and, if necessary, discipline and control of patients. May assist in making electro-cardiograms and in measuring basal metabolism. Must be qualified to administer narcotics, to provide for their safekeeping, and to record dosages of narcotics administered. Must be graduate of accredited School of Nursing and Registered Nurse; completion of postgraduate courses in nursing desirable.
Medical Supply Officer (MOS 4490):
Medical Supply Officer; procures, stores, issues, and accounts for medical supplies and equipment. Audits and controls disbursement accounts for local purchases or services for Medical Department activities; supervises maintenance and repair of Medical Department furniture and equipment; makes inventories and personally issues restricted medical supplies; directs warehouse storage of medical supplies; supervises maintenance of adequate inventory records and preparation of reports and records; as member of the staff, advises Commanding Officer on medical supply matters. May supervise installation of hospitals and supplies on board ship or at fixed bases. Must have thorough knowledge of Medical Supply items and be familiar with procurement, storage, and accounting of same. Must be thoroughly familiar with supply sources, warehouse accounting methods, and Army Medical Supply Catalog. Should be familiar with hospital administration. Should have military experience including training in handling of Medical Supplies. Completion of courses in Army Medical Field Service School very desirable. Several years civilian supervisory experience in warehousing or distributing of Medical Supplies desirable. College training including courses in Chemistry and Business Administration very desirable.
Remark: award of MOS to Medical Department Officers:
The Military Occupational Specialty Classifications established for Medical Corps Officers should, with the exception of certain authorized administrative classifications, indicate the fields of medicine or surgery wherein the Officers have had the greatest amount of training or experience, or wherein they have the greatest amount of ability. It is necessary, therefore, for Medical Officers’ schooling, internships, residencies, post-graduate training, and experience in various fields of practice to be taken into consideration in the selection of their MOS. Medical Corps Officers may be assigned more than ONE Military Occupational Specialty when their training and experience actually justify that result. When this is done, careful consideration must be given that Officers have had adequate training and experience in the classifications assigned to them, and that they are fully capable of filling an average-type assignment in each field in which they are classified! Where an Officer’s proficiency in one specialty is far superior to his proficiency in other fields in which he has had training and experience, or where his greatest proficiency is in a scarce category (such as radiology-pathology-neuropsychiatry-orthopedics-neurosurgery-plastic surgery) only ONE MOS number will be listed. It is desirable that specialists of this type be classified and assigned only in their foremost specialties. However, specialists in obstetrics-gynecology-pediatrics should be given additional Military Occupational Specialties wherever possible due to the small number of available military assignments in those fields, and as appraisals of their additional qualifications are of assistance in their proper assignment.
Sincere thanks to Brian N. Siddall, WW2 Research Analyst for providing the authors with some additional SSN/MOS-related data.