306th Station Hospital Unit History

Training Zone of Interior. Personnel are going through a course of Defense against Chemical Attack. Appropriate wear of gas mask and toque was recommended for individual protection.
The 306th Station Hospital was activated in the United States on 15 April 1943 under the command of Lt. Colonel Maurice C. Davidson, MC, O-20108.
Under Lt. Colonel Davidson’s experienced guidance the organization progressed from a unit in training in the Zone of Interior to an operating Station Hospital, performing its assigned duties in the overseas Theater of Operations.
Organization, Establishment, Training:
The unit was established as an operating Hospital in the United Kingdom by Paragraph 1, Letter, Headquarters, SOS, ETOUSA, File AG 323.3, dated 9 December 1943, PMC, Subject: “Opening of Hospitals”. An extensive training program based on the MTP 8-1 (Mobilization Training Program, dated 18 February 1942 –ed) was initiated with the purpose to furnish a general guide for the balanced training of Medical Department units so that they were prepared to take to the field on short notice if necessary. Instructions took place 8 hours a day with 4 hours on Saturdays. Extra time was dedicated to marches, field exercises, and the like. Additionally, training publications and films were utilized and shown, and whenever necessary modifications were introduced to adapt the training for the type of medical unit or organization in which the individuals were being trained. Mass athletics, competitive games, and morale building were also essential during training. Apart from the basic subjects, specific technical – tactical – and logistical employment of medical units, including establishment and operation of Station Hospitals, was taught.
MTP 8-1 was a 13-weeks program based on the following schedule: the first two weeks were devoted to Basic Training subjects. The third to tenth weeks covered Technical Training, and the eleventh to thirteenth weeks were used for Tactical and Logistical Training. The standard program was based on a 44-hour week. When the third phase of training was reached, certain subjects were assigned to an individual unit, depending upon its particular missions and nature.

Picture illustrating some typical English “hospitality”.
United Kingdom – 1943:
The strength of the unit upon arriving in the United Kingdom, 10 November 1943, was 38 Officers – 75 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 1 Physical Therapy Aide – 2 Hospital Dietitians – and 394 Enlisted Men (between 10 November 1943 – 31 December 1943, personnel changes were minimal, Officers increased to 39, and EM decreased to 390). The Hospital was organized in accordance with T/O 8-560, dated 22 July 1942 (T/O 8-503, ComZ, dated 15 June 1941 indicated 20 Officers, 30 Nurses, 150 EM, while T/O 8-560, ComZ, dated 22 July 1942, authorized an aggregate strength of 21 Officers, 21 Nurses, and 150 Enlisted Men –ed).
The Advance Detachment (which traveled earlier to occupy and prepare the site) labored one month to receive the main body of the 306th Station. Personnel worked night and day to enable the installation to open officially to receive the first patients on 24 November 1943.
The 306th Sta Hosp was located at Eastmoor, Hampshire, approximately three miles southwest of Ringwood, on the Ringwood-Bournemouth road.
Housing for personnel consisted of temporary hutments with concrete floors and asbestos-board roofs, heated by coal stoves. Personnel were to live and work in 128 scattered buildings, not the best solution. Bathing facilities were adequate, hot and cold running water was available and shower facilities were present. Messing space was satisfactory. Field Rations “A” were used by the entire post. Supplementary rations were used for the patients, such as additional fruit juices, pureed vegetables, canned vegetables, and canned meats. Although supplies were only 70% complete, there were no critical shortages of food.
The 306th Station Hospital’s main mission consisted in providing emergency hospitalization for the sick and injured soldiers stationed in the vicinity, also for such patients as could be evacuated to the hospital by higher headquarters. The sequence was to dispose of patients within 30 days after admission, either by returning them to duty or evacuating them to other fixed hospitals for definitive care and proper disposition.
Patients first arrived in small numbers and thereafter in ambulance convoys of 100 patients. A total of 1,437 patients were admitted during the 38 days the unit functioned as a Station Hospital in 1943 (highest census ever reached was 540). Convalescing patients followed a rehabilitation program which enabled them to accomplish some necessary work around the hospital area (welcome due to lack of personnel).

Typical view of Nissen Hut, a prefabricated half-cylindrical metal structure of corrugated steel. Initially designed in WWI, and widely spread over the United Kingdom during World War Two.
Training continued with the aim to increase efficiency and knowledge of the EM. Three (3) Officers, 4 Nurses, and 2 Enlisted Men were sent to attend classes at Medical Field Service Schools for additional specialized training. Exchanges took place with personnel of British Military Hospitals. Numerous social contacts were made with nearby British military and civilian as well as with Allied groups.
United Kingdom – 1944:
Official unit strength on 1 January 1944 was: 39 Officers – 75 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 1 Physical Therapy Aide – 2 Hospital Dietitians – and 390 Enlisted Men (by end March 1944, figures would change to 43 Officers and 391 EM –ed).
On 16 January 1944, the 143d Army Postal Unit (1 Officer & 11 EM –ed) arrived to take its station at the post. It would serve both the 306th and other troops in the surrounding vicinity.
On 10 February 1944, Hospital Train No. 1 (4 Officers, 6 Nurses, 40 EM –ed) arrived on the post to receive the five-day orientation course. Meanwhile some personnel were made available to the hospital organization for use on the different wards and proved of considerable assistance to the unit’s staff. They left on 10 March 1944.
Exchanges of personnel were arranged with the British Military Hospital, at Totland Bay, Isle of Wight, with the aim to foster closer Anglo-American relations.

Ongoing surgery in the Operating Room.
An excellent and searching practical application of all the 306th’s training and experience in hospital operation occurred during the period of 21 to 22 February 1944, when on only 12 hours’ notice the 306th was called upon to handle its first mass reception of casualties. Over two hundred (precisely 284) ‘simulated’ patients were received including 26 litter cases. All were evacuated to the Hospital by organic motor vehicles and admitted as soon as possible. The receiving and triage process took 2 hours and 45 minutes. All patients were evacuated the following day in the same manner. Throughout the exercise, all simulated patients were treated as ‘actual’ patients, beds were occupied, meals were served, valuables were collected, and everything possible was done to make it conform to reality in all details. The experience proved invaluable in establishing a SOP for future admissions.
While stationed at Ringwood, 24 British civilian employees were contracted and engaged mainly in utilities’ maintenance work and in switchboard operations. Ten (10) additional people were hired to work in the Post Exchange, the Officers’ Club, and the Nurses’ quarters.
On 18 March 1944, the 95th General Hospital assumed command of the hospital plant, and the 306th Station Hospital ceased operations as a unit caring for the sick and wounded in the area.
From 18 March 1944 – 31 March 1944, the organization no longer operated as a hospital, and was set up under tentage as a “Reception Center” for incoming troops at Parkhouse “A” Tented Camp, approximately three miles south of Tidworth, Wiltshire, England on the Tidworth-Bulford road. The 306th also became responsible for opening Parkhouse “B”, “Druids Lodge” Camp, and “Fargo” Camp (the latter two both near Stonehenge –ed), with Parkhouse “A” and “B” each designed to billet 1,500 troops. This meant, organizing and running a total of four large tented camps. This new duty required the procurement and installation of tents, stoves, beds, mattresses, coal, wood, and rations for all 4 tented camps.
After having moved to Parkhouse “A”, housing facilities now consisted of unfloored tents equipped with British stoves, folding canvas cots and straw mattresses. Officers and men were accommodated in identical quarters, except for the Nurses who were quartered individually and in pairs in private homes in Swindon (pending the time when the unit would again operate in its intended capacity as a Station Hospital). Bathing facilities were inside Nissen huts with hot and cold running water. Messing facilities and kitchens were adequate and installed indoor (also in Nissen huts –ed). The organization’s main function was to receive US troops arriving in the United Kingdom, and provide a five-day comprehensive orientation to all medical units so received, to enable them to understand ETO policies, procedures and regulations, and assist them in becoming adjusted to daily life in the United Kingdom.
Reception and staging of troops in the sector was under Lt. Colonel M. C. Davidson (appointed Camp Commandant on 11 April 1944, and residing at Parkhouse “A” –ed), and also involved supplying camp guards until all areas were occupied, arranging for transportation of these units from station to camp, drawing of a two-day supply of rations, and preparation of 2 hot meals for each unit. Organizations received in this area were 1 Military Police Battalion, 10 General Hospitals, 1 Hospital Train, and 1 Signal Construction Battalion (totaling an estimated 6,000 Off & EM –ed).
Around 6,000 Officers and Enlisted Men were thus subsequently given orientation lectures by the 306th Station (specially selected by the Southern Base Section –ed) for a period of five days including such subjects as: command channels, conservation policies, military police jurisdiction, white/colored relationships, military postal rules, traffic regulations, and all materials relating to ETO policies.

Picture illustrating some of the rehabilitation exercises conducted at the Hospital in order to speed up disposition and return to duty of the patients.
To augment medical personnel of field units during maneuvers, 7 Dispensary Teams (of 2 Officers & 8 Medical Technicians –ed) were formed, and during the first quarter of 1944 several teams were called out for periods of DS (1 to 3 weeks –ed). By 30 June 1944, only a small fraction of them remained absent.
Many improvements were meanwhile made in the physical plant, the grounds, and the roads. Patients on the Rehabilitation Program helped by distributing such articles as medicine trays, IV stands, signs, chart holders, and dish racks, designed to facilitate ward operation and standardize the various wards to promote uniformity throughout the installation. In compliance with the plan of the Theater Surgeon to utilize fixed installations as training ground for personnel of field units in technical procedures, 6 to 8 Enlisted Men were in training at all times. These men were sent from line medical units for two-week periods of instruction as Medical and Surgical Technicians and worked in surgery or on the wards, learning the technique first-hand. In addition, several Officers from field units were placed on DS at the 306th as Ward Officers for a thirty-day period, and 1 Nurse and 1 Medical Officer were given a course in anesthesia.
Stations United Kingdom – 306th Station Hospital
Eastmoor, Hampshire – 24 November 1943 > 18 March 1944 (staging & training)
Tidworth, Wiltshire Area – 18 March 1944 > 31 March 1944 (reception center)
Tidworth, Wiltshire Area – 1 April 1944 > 27 May 1944 (staging & operating as a reception unit)
Checkendon, Oxfordshire – 28 May 1944 > 30 June 1944 (establishment & preparation for operations)
Aberton Hall, Cheshire – 21 September 1945 > 31 October 1945
Concurrently, the 306th Sta Hosp personnel were very widely scattered. The Nurses were stationed at Swindon, and later at Cirencester indulging in intensive training. Over one half of the Officers and more than two-thirds of the Enlisted personnel were on DS (some of them until 30 June 1944 –ed).
The 7 Dispensary Teams already mentioned above (each consisting of 2 Off & 8 EM), plus 3 Litter Teams (9 EM each), and 5 Ambulance Teams (5 drivers & 5 orderlies) were scattered throughout the marshaling yards of southern England to augment medical personnel of the field units during maneuvers and in preparation for D-Day. Others were on various assignments, as hospital inspectors, at special training courses, and as drivers, cooks, clerks, and ordnance workers. During April and May 1944 an average of 125 men were sent on TD to Depot O-640 in Tidworth to work there from 0730 until 1800 hours every day, preparing supplies for the coming Invasion. Thirty (30) additional Enlisted Men were employed at Swindon and Cirencester with the Nurses’ Detachment as cooks and drivers.

A soldier is donating blood in order to help save another GI’s life. Personnel of the command were often invited to donate blood and thus help set up a small Blood Bank in case of emergencies.
Personnel strength on 1 April 1944, remained as previously indicated, with following numbers: 43 Officers – 75 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 1 Physical Therapy Aide – 2 Hospital Dietitians – and 391 Enlisted Men.
The organization received word on 1 May that it was to move to a dual purpose conversion camp near Checkendon, APO 163, Oxfordshire, and take over Hospital Plant 4141. The Advance Party consisting of 2 Officers and 30 Enlisted Men left on 2 May to reconnoiter the camp which was then occupied by two Battalions of Field Artillery and a Signal Company, comprising about 1,200 troops.
On 8 May, Lt. Colonel Davidson was hospitalized and Lt. Colonel John C. Eckels, MC, O-241293, placed temporarily in command. Colonel Milton I. Strahl, MC, O-209938, who re-entered active duty on 1 August 1942 at Carlisle Barracks, was transferred to the 306th Station Hospital and assumed command on 10 May 1944 (previously CO > 9th Gen Hosp, CO > 72d Gen Hosp, CO > 228th Sta Hosp, Staff member > 5th Gen Hosp). The change in command, also included the loss of a certain number of Officers, the replacement of others, and promotions to higher ranks.
On 12 May 1944, Colonel Maxwell G. Keeler, MC, O-6620 (CO > 5th Gen Hosp –ed), assumed command of the camp area (Tidworth Reception Center –ed), while Colonel Milton I. Strahl acted as Camp Commandant.
From 28 May 1944 through 30 June 1944, the unit was located at Checkendon, Oxfordshire, England, and engaged in the establishment and operation of the organization as a functioning hospital. Housing for all Commissioned and Enlisted personnel now consisted of 85 pyramidal tents, with concrete floors, heated by coal or oil stoves, and wired for electricity, and some 170 buildings (Nissen hutments –ed). All buildings needed cleaning, and painting, and sanitary facilities required repair, kitchens were incomplete, and numerous fixtures were either broken or missing. Hot and cold running water was provided for bathing and sanitary facilities, including showers. Messing was satisfactory and housed in Nissen huts. Rations “A” were in use. The Hospital set up and operated a 1,115-bed unit in a 1,250-man conversion camp formerly occupied by line troops awaiting the Invasion of the Continent, but due to the number of repairs and modifications, was not able to open until Monday 12 June 1944. All the Nurses had meanwhile returned to the organization on 5 June, and greatly contributed to the speedy opening of the facility.
The hospital’s function was to provide emergency hospitalization for sick and wounded soldiers stationed in the vicinity. The hospital was to dispose of its patients within 60 days after admission, facilities permitting, either returning them to duty or evacuating them to other medical units for further treatment. Arrangements were made with the 304th Station Hospital, only two and one-half miles away at Kingwood Commons, for the reciprocal pooling of vehicles when necessity demanded. Hospital Trains were to be unloaded at Pangbourne, six and one-half miles distant, and single hospital cars at Henley, about eight miles from the camp. 12 British civilian employees were available for utilities and maintenance work.

Happy: soon to walk again properly! Patient going through rehabilitation walks with the help of adjustable crutches (medical item # 3663000).
Unit strength on 1 July 1944 was: 44 Officers – 74 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 1 Physical Therapy Aide – 2 Hospital Dietitians – and 384 Enlisted Men (by end September 1944, figures would change to 41 Officers, 62 Nurses, and 369 EM).
Numerous personnel were attached for varying lengths of time, including 7 Officers and 60 Enlisted Technicians from the 48th General Hospital, several Hospital Ship Medical Platoons, an Orthopedic Team, and various personnel required for the interrogation and processing of Prisoners of War. Several Enlisted Men were transferred to the Airborne Infantry and Paratroops and 1 Officer and 3 EM were able to return with Hospital Ships for furlough in the Zone of Interior (for emergency reasons). Some Medical Officers and Nurses were lost by transfer, but gains partly compensated for their loss. Nine (9) civilian employees, 6 boiler attendants, 1 plumber, 1 sewage plant attendant, and 2 drivers were leased to the 306th Station Hospital by the British.
Since 3 July 1944, the 306th Station Hospital cared primarily for wounded German PWs. American patients barely averaged approximately 75 in number. Because of this, the camp had to be enclosed (with barbed wire), and a Company of Engineers put up a 27 strand barbed wire fence with guard towers. Lighting of the fence still needed to be done, but the British later solved this.
In spite of having to care for PWs rather than American wounded, the morale of the staff remained excellent. Reading being located only eight miles away, and London being within 45 minutes by train, were places to visit. The hospital had two large personnel buses leased from the British, and liberty runs were frequently made to Reading and Salisbury, up to twice daily. An American Red Cross library, a large recreational hall, snooker, ping pong, games, workshops, card room and a bar offered leisure to all. The post theater provided both movies and stage shows. All personnel were allowed liberal pass privileges, including 24 and 48-hour passes, and 6-day leaves or furloughs.

Two ANC Officers (Nurses) and a Surgeon administer blood plasma to a critically wounded patient.
The patient census averaged well over 750 for the period July 1944 – September 1944. A total of 2,416 patients were admitted during this quarter, 1,875 being German PWs and the remainder US personnel. Conversion of the hospital to be used mainly for enemy prisoners brought many problems. PWs needing further treatment were to be returned directly to the ZI on evacuation orders published by Headquarters. Normally, they could be held for as long as 3 months if necessary. Those discharged as cured were sent to Prisoner of War Enclosure No. 1, at Blockley for eventual shipment to the Zone of Interior. As a Provisional Station Hospital for German PWs, the first requirement was adequate guarding of the camp, and this was handled in succession by A Company, 156th Infantry Regiment; a Detachment of D Company, 796th Military Police Battalion; and ultimately by the 425th Military Police Escort Guard Company. Fencing of the enclosure was completed early in August, and all PWs were eventually strictly segregated from any American or Allied patients. The 306th was scoured for personnel speaking German to serve as interpreters, and ward regulations, memorandums, and signs were to be prepared and published in German. Questions relating to PX goods, church privileges, and immunization were settled, including the authorized employment of prisoners by the Hospital along with the mail problem (allowance of 1 letter + 1 postcard per PW per month –ed). As the majority of the prisoners had not been “processed” earlier, Military Intelligence personnel and Prisoner of War Interrogation Teams were employed to interrogate all the PWs, and assign them their internment serial numbers and personal pay records. Solutions were also found to dispose of Poles, Russians, and civilians taken prisoner while serving with the German military, they were first sent on to the 306th Station Hospital.
The overall burden of caring for the numerous German patients was greatly lightened by the attachment of a cadre of 80 German medical personnel (protected personnel, designated as such by the Geneva Convention –ed), including 13 Medical Officers, 9 Nurses’ Aides, and 58 Enlisted Medical and Surgical Technicians. They assisted in all the wards and proved very reliable workers. Prisoners were received in large groups, either by train or by ambulance convoy. During the same period, the organization received 5 Hospital Trains and 10 ambulance convoys. The unit disposed of 402 PWs to the Zone of Interior and 535 to the PW enclosure. 6 PWs died during or after treatment. The largest day’s work was the reception and admission on 25 August 1944 of 480 German PWs, 304 by train, and 176 by ambulance. One German Major General was admitted, along with other Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe personnel. It must be noted that the great majority of the Germans were appreciative and most cooperative. The treatment they received was a revelation to many, and was undoubtedly a valuable step forward to their re-education. Since the admissions were battle casualties, the census was preponderantly of surgical cases.
On 23 September 1944, the 306th Station Hospital was formally attached to the 15th Hospital Center at Cirencester for administration. All reports and records were therefore channeled through the Center, which also helped with procurement of supplies and dealing with higher Headquarters.
On 1 October 1944, strength of the unit decreased slightly, numbering: 40 Officers – 62 Nurses – 1 Warrant Officer – 1 Physical Therapy Aide – 2 Hospital Dietitians – and 369 Enlisted Men (by end December 1944, numbers would be further reduced to 38 Officers, 59 Nurses, and 364 EM).
Being below authorized T/O strength, personnel were attached for duty, included men from the 486th and 528th Medical Hospital Ship Platoons, and 1 Officer and 2 Enlisted Men of the 4th Orthopedic Team belonging to the 1st Auxiliary Surgical Group (period 8 October 1944 – 7 December 1944 inclusive). Exchanges of personnel took place, some Officers were on DS elsewhere, a number of Nurses were sent on TD to assist General Hospitals. Losses of several personnel needed to be compensated and requisitions were filed for such vacancies.
In anticipation of the coming winter period, winterizing of all wards and staff tentage (comprising 28 ward tents and 139 pyramidal tents) had been completed, and throughout the period, continuous effort was expended in improving and maintaining the hospital plant and grounds

A patient is carried on board ship (either a Hospital Ship or a Troop Transport) for return to the Zone of Interior for further medical treatment.
Since the 306th was now attached to the 15th Hospital Center, inspection teams designated by the Southern District checked the installation every two weeks, resulting in consistent superior ratings for the unit. The patient census for the last quarter of 1944 averaged well over 650. Registrar number 3,717 was reached on 31 December 1944, 1,270 patients being admitted over the period, of which 892 were German.
On 5 December, the organization was designated a Neuro-Surgical Hospital for Prisoners of War from all Hospitals of the III and IV Provisional Hospital Groups, with a consultant from the 98th General Hospital assisting. Nine (9) such cases were received before year’s end. The 302d Station Hospital was designated to receive all thoracic cases in a similar fashion, and 4 PWs were sent there from the 306th for further treatment.
On 6 December 1944, the first American wounded from the continent were received, and 47 of the cases admitted were battle casualties. Three of them were awarded the Purple Heart, and one received an Oak Leaf Cluster to his PH. Deaths for the period numbered 8, only 1 being an American, dead on arrival from accidental electrocution. The German cadre assisting their patients numbered 82, including 9 Medical Officers, 9 Nurses, and 64 Enlisted Technicians. Disciplinary problems continued to be negligible, only 2 PWs being sent to PW Enclosure No. 2018, because of an intended attempt at making a break.
During the same quarter, 353 PWs were evacuated to the ZI and 716 were returned to PWE No. 2016 at Blockley. One innovation was the initiation of repatriation procedures for the return of disabled enemy PWs to Germany. The Hospital’s Repatriation Board passed on 95 cases, all of which were awaiting shipment. Professional care given enemy prisoners was practically identical to that received by United States Army patients, and was therefore well appreciated by the German medical staff and wounded.
On 22 December 1944, the 306th Station Hospital was formally re-assigned from the IV Provisional Hospital Group to the 15th Hospital Center at Cirencester.
At the end of 1944, the European Theater, the US Army, and the War Department, Zone of Interior, took some basic policy decisions to handle PW hospitalization. There was a problem in the theater to accommodate the large number of German Prisoner of War patients, and since the chances to obtain additional beds and medical reinforcements from the United States were rather slim, General R. Hawley and his staff explored another alternative: the use of over 350 captive German Medical Officers – 390 Nurses, and 7,200 Enlisted Men in ETOUSA to care for their own countrymen, either in separate PW wards of American hospitals or in all-prisoner medical facilities. The wider application of this measure led to the endorsement of new hospitals staffed entirely by German protected personnel with only a small US supervisory cadre (the first such hospital with an all-PW facility was established in the United Kingdom late December 1944 –ed).
United Kingdom – 1945:
On 6 January 1945, the PP (GC protected personnel –ed) German cadre of 82 Medical Officers, Nurses, and EM was transferred from the 306th to the 327th Station Hospital (by 8 May 1945, only a single German Medical Officer remained on duty with the 306th Sta Hosp –ed).
The strength of the unit decreased, and at the end of the first quarter of 1945 was considerably below T/O authorization, due in part to normal attrition and in part to the use of 306th Enlisted personnel to form 6 cellular units activated and attached to the hospital to augment its reduced T/O. The units thus formed were activated effective 11 April 1945 and staffed on 22 April 1945. They included:
1118th Army Postal Unit, Type “A” | 2 Enlisted Men |
258th Medical Mess Detachment | 4 Enlisted Men |
362d Signal Switchboard Operating Detachment | 3 Enlisted Men |
385th Military Police Patrol Detachment | 3 Enlisted Men |
386th Military Police Patrol Detachment | 3 Enlisted Men |
387th Military Police Patrol Detachment | 3 Enlisted Men |
448th Military Police Patrol Detachment | 5 Enlisted Men |
Also attached, using Finance Department personnel, was the 264th Finance Disbursing Section composed of 1 Officer and 1 Enlisted Man (they joined on 2 May 1945). Personnel on DS with other units averaged about 10 for the period, with Nurses sent on TD for one to four weeks to assist General Hospitals operating in the U.K. However in April 1945, 5 Nurses were received on DS from the 122d General Hospital when the census of American patients declined and the PW census remained far in excess of the available bed capacity. Another (1) Nurse and 3 EM returned with Hospital Ships to the Zone of Interior.
The exchange of General Service Enlisted personnel, to be re-trained for Infantry combat duty (a general measure introduced –ed ), to replace limited assignment personnel transferred into the unit continued. During the same period, 17 limited assignment men were received and 28 of the 306th were sent out. 4 EM were transferred to aid in the processing of RAMPs (Recovered Allied Military Personnel –ed) recently freed from German Prisoner of War Camps. 2 Medical Officers spent two months on the continent with line troops from mid-February to mid-April. Major Samuel P. Horowitz, MC, O-334769, was placed on Detached Service with Headquarters Southern District, United Kingdom Base, as acting Surgeon from 27 March to 25 April 1945.
Promotions took place and some Enlisted personnel were awarded 1 Purple Heart and 4 Army Good Conduct Medals.

Operating Room. A Surgeon moves a drain into an abdominal wound.
From 3 July 1944 through V-E Day, 8 May 1945, the 306th Station Hospital operated to care primarily for wounded German Prisoners of War. The American patient census only averaged approximately 30 for the first quarter of 1945. The unit in fact functioned as a General Hospital insofar as being authorized to board patients to the United States (with a 60-day limit), a function which applied to all American patients as well as to the German prisoners. Plans were now in process to effect the changeover of the hospital to a ‘provisional’ unit almost entirely staffed by German professional medical personnel.
Continued efforts were made to improve and maintain the installation and grounds, with the Utilities Department producing an enormous volume of work. Construction included the completion of a large Nissen building to house the Detachment Headquarters. All camp buildings were painted, both the interior and the exterior. Installation of ventilators in all kitchens was started, a cement hard standing and a driveway were built, and enclosed brick corridors connecting several ward blocks were added (with assistance provided by 60 British Pioneer Labour Corps personnel). Lawns were seeded and graded, and a garden planted.
Movies and American Red Cross and USO Shows were presented on a regular basis. Recreation, passes, competitive games, and intra-hospital athletics were in effect. Radio scripts were prepared permitting a number of personnel to make direct or recorded broadcasts to the States. Dances were held in Reading for Enlisted personnel.
Officers continued to attend professional meetings in London, including such disciplines as radiology, surgery and general medicine. Information and Education activities increased. In January a small group of Officers, Nurses, and EM were sent to the 98th General Hospital for training in neuro-surgical technique. One Enlisted Man was sent to Depot M-400 in Reading for a six-week course on maintenance and repair of x-ray and other technical equipment. The daily patient census averaged 999. Hospital registration number 5,800 was reached as of 2400 hours, 8 May 1945; of which 2,080 cases admitted during the first quarter of 1945 (1,727 were German PWs). Six (6) full Hospital Trains were received between January and May. Disposition included 431 American and Allied patients, and 1,238 PWs. 103 German prisoners were transferred to other US hospitals, 907 were discharged to the PW Enclosure, 135 were repatriated, 56 went to the ZI, 36 were discharged and joined the cadre, 1 escaped, and 3 died due to war injuries and resulting medical complications. Before moving out the PWs, a portable recording unit of the Office of War Information visited the camp and collected messages from 120 Germans for future use in Allied propaganda broadcasts to Germany.
Up to V-E Day, the Hospital continued its assignment to the 15th Hospital Center at Cirencester, England. The unit was re-organized under the new T/O, effective 21 March 1945, resulting in a reduction of both Officers and Enlisted personnel and the activation of the new cellular units as mentioned earlier. With the disbandment of the Southern District, United Kingdom Base, on 14 April 1945, the 306th came under the jurisdiction of the Southern Area Field Representative, who replaced District Headquarters.
On 1 July 1945, the 306th Station Hospital’s Hospital Plant was officially taken over by the 750-bed 7449th Station Hospital (later, designated a Provisional German PW Hospital –ed) which had previously operated a site at Kingwood Common, Oxfordshire, APO 205, from 29 May 1945 through 29 June 1945.
The 306th Station re-opened for receipt of patients at Aberton Hall, Stockton, Cheshire, APO 635, on 21 September 1945 replacing the 168th Sta Hosp. It remained in this location until closing for operations on 31 October 1945. Its 250-bed Detachment A, 306th Station Hospital however opened at Cowglen, Scotland, APO 648, for a short period where it operated a hospital plant from 21 September until 30 September 1945.
Roster of Officers and Nurses, 306th Station Hospital, as of 1 January 1944:
Officers: | |
Colonel Maxwell G. Keeler, O-6620, MC, Commanding Officer (12 May 44 – ?) | Captain Grant C. Stone, O-370426, MC, Ward Officer, Orthopedic Section |
Colonel Milton I. Strahl, O-209938, MC, Commanding Officer (10 May 44 – 12 May 44) | Captain Woodrow, O-1689464, MC, Chief Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Section |
Lt. Colonel Maurice C. Davidson, O-20108, MC, Commanding Officer (15 Apr 43 – 8 May 44) | Captain Maurice D. Urist, MC, Chief Neuro-Psychiatric Section (eventually transferred) |
Lt. Colonel William W. Harrington, O-156715, DC, Chief Dental Service | Captain Edward S. Walsh, ChC, Catholic Chaplain (replaced Captain William S. Walsh) |
Major Donald T. Chamberlin, O-272132, MC, Chief Medical Service (promoted to Lt. Colonel 1 Mar 44) | Captain William S. Walsh, ChC, Chaplain (eventually transferred) |
Major Robert L. Garrard, O-347136, MC, Asst. Chief Medical Service | 1st Lieutenant John F. Bimmerle, O-386803, SnC, Medical Inspector |
Major Grover C. Kirk, O-107531, MC, Chief Surgical Service | 1st Lieutenant Carl Dwankowski, O-522975, MC, Ward officer, Neuro-Psychiatric Section (promoted to Captain 1 Mar 44) |
Major Carrol P. Naidorf, O-471232, MC, Chief X-Ray Service | 1st Lieutenant Julius L. Fried, O-1821226, MC, Chief Cardio-Vascular Section (promoted to Captain 1 Feb 44) |
Major Parke H. Waggoner, O-201111, DC, Asst. Chief Dental Service | 1st Lieutenant Jules L. Glashow, O-466346, MC, Ward officer, Tropical Disease Section (promoted to Captain) |
Captain Joseph Dalven, O-524212, MC, Chief Communicable Disease Section | 1st Lieutenant Robert W. Hertz, O-1543536, MAC, Asst. Medical Supply Officer |
Captain David A. Davis, O-419785, MC, Chief Anesthesia Section | 1st Lieutenant Edgar Rosen, O-436148, MC, Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat Section (promoted to Captain) |
Captain Maurice Goodman, O-504444, MC, Chief General Medical Section | 1st Lieutenant Raymond A. Rossberg, O-470229, MC, Ward Officer (promoted to Captain) |
Captain Richard B. Greene, MC (replaced Captain Maurice D. Urist) | 1st Lieutenant William E. Wakeley, Jr., O-440357, MC, Ward Officer (promoted to Captain) |
Captain John M. Hammer, O-329378, MC, Chief Receiving & Disposition | 2d Lieutenant James G. Antrim, O-1547521, MAC, Special Services Officer |
Captain Bennett B. Harvey, O-379532, MC, Chief Laboratory Service | 2d Lieutenant George O. Frost, O-1547616, MAC, Personnel Officer (promoted to 1st Lieutenant 1 Feb 44) |
Captain Samuel F. Horowitz, O-334769, MC, Excecutive Officer (promoted to Major 1 Feb 44) | 2d Lieutenant John R. Harris, O-1547645, MAC, Mess Officer |
Captain Edward J. Kaleta, O-1686946, MC, Ward officer, General Surgery | 2d Lieutenant Ralph C. Kuhli, O-1547688, MAC, Police & Prison Officer |
Captain Victor J. McKee, O-399747, DC, Dental Surgeon, Oral Surgery | 2d Lieutenant Clement A. McGarry, O-1547715, MAC, Postal Officer |
Captain Joseph W. Messey, O-481807, MC, Chief Orthopedic Section | 2d Lieutenant James G. Quirk, O-1547752, MAC, Commanding Officer, Medical Detachment (promoted to 1st Lieutenant 1 Feb 44) |
Captain Walter U. Miller, O-514783, MC, Asst. Chief Surgical Service | 2d Lieutenant Arthur W. Selover, Jr., O-1547786, MAC, Adjutant, Unit Historian (promoted to 1st Lieutenant 1 Feb 44) |
Captain Earl J. Olson, O-1684271, MC, Chief General Surgical Section | 2d Lieutenant Leo P. Urban, O-1547835, Asst. General Supply Officer |
Captain William K. Quinn, O-506627, DC, Dental Surgeon | Warrant Officer, Junior Grade Robert C. Wittrup, W-2115699, Registrar (promoted to Chief Warrant Officer) |

German Prisoners of War grouped in a temporary PWE.
Nurses: | |
1st Lieutenant Mildred G. Baetz, N-730449, ANC, Chief Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Lorraine K. Lyle, N-771419, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Irene C. Anderson, N-772584, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Eleanor V. Lelo, N-771306, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Mary A. Behen, N-772647, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Ellen T. McBride, N-771408, ANC, Ward Nurse (promoted to 1st Lieutenant) |
2d Lieutenant Elizabeth D. Bender, N-772655, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Frances M. McCarty, N-772574, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant, Jenevieve I. Benson, N-772668, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Cora A. McCombs, N-772678, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Elizabeth A. Berthel, N-772656, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Cora E. McGinnes, N-772628, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Leona C. Boehm, N-772659, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Anne C. MacDonnell, N-772600, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Allie S. Bowers, N-772564, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Viola M. Mangnuson, N-771420, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Marjorie A. Burger, N-772618, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Helen C. Majewski, N-772671, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Agnes Butoryak, N-771552, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Anne J. Margelewska, N-771777, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Patricia J. Carroll, N-771567, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Florence J. Mikowski, N-772672, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Alice M. Cherdavoine, N-772541, ANC, Ward Nurse (promoted to 1st Lieutenant) | 2d Lieutenant Hope E. Miller, N-731580, ANC, Ward Nurse (promoted to 1st Lieutenant) |
2d lieutenant Mildred S. Clarke, N-771446, ANC, Asst. Chief Nurse (promoted to 1st Lieutenant 1 Feb 44) | 2d lieutenant Rose Montague, N-772582, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Jessie M. Cobetto, N-772536, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Calerie E. Mueller, N-771667, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Mary E. Coffey, N-771334, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Kaia E. Nielson, N-772609, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Miriam L. Cole, N-771756, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d lieutenant Alice M. Novitske, N-771358, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Elizabeth A. Cook, N-772718, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Mirian E. Piatt, N-772685, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Willis M. Elliott, N-772623, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Ann E. Plansek, N-772673, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Cecilia M. Ernst, N-772660, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Irene I. Pylvainen, N-772003, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Lydia Figot, N-771312, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Rita V. Schmuck, N-772687, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Nettie D. Fischer, N-771666, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Helen M. Schnell, N-771224, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Arda M. Gakle, N-772654, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Coba Schreuder, N-771339, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Grace L. Gatchell, N-771637, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Alida Schultetus , N-731737, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Mary M. Gelow, N-771990, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Sophia Sklar, N-771771, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Edna F. Gray, N-771781, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Mable L. Steinmetz, N-772674, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Elizabeth C. Hake, N-772702, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Beflyn A. Taylor, N-772728, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Lucy O. Hell, N-772571, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Lois R. Taylor, N-772640, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Edith M. Hicks, N-730052, ANC, Ward Nurse (promoted to 1st Lieutenant) | 2d Lieutenant Caroline M. Tomasek, N-771434, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Priscilla J. Hofman, N-771357, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Eva M. Topel, N-771930, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Dorothy E. Howe, N-772706, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Maureen C. Tucker, N-771212, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Gertrude W. Keen, N-772835, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Lucille R. Vandyke, N-772703, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Lorene B. Knuth, N-772670, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Kathryn J. Verheyen, N-7725537, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Anna E. Koborg, N-771146, ANC, Ward Nurse (promoted to 1st Lieutenant) | 2d Lieutenant Alberta J. Wall, N-772651, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Dagney M. Kocian, N-772677, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Marion G. Walsh, N-772683, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Marian E. Kopitzke, N-772716, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Eileen M. Watson, N-771377, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Phyllis L. Lackey, N-772693, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Jean A. Weingartz, N-772701, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Ione H. Ladendorf, N-772297, ANC, Ward Nurse | 2d Lieutenant Grace E. Wiemerslage, N-772644, ANC, Ward Nurse |
2d Lieutenant Frances M. Layman, N-731505, ANC, Ward Nurse | |
Physio-Therapy Aide | |
2d Lieutenant Ronnie K. Newman, M-840, Physio-Therapist | |
Hospital Dietitians | |
2d Lieutenant Ruth A. M. Nesler, R-200, Chief Dietitian | 2d Lieutenant Soini L. Makivirta, R-809, Dietitian |
New Assignments: following Officers were transferred from other units to the 306th Station Hospital
Lt. Colonel John C. Eckels, O-241293, MC, from the 127th General Hospital (effective 17 Mar 44)
Major Oscar H. Calcagni, O-344612, MC, from the 152d Station Hospital (effective 26 Jan 44)
Major Harold G. Haskell, O-470884, MC, from the 152d Station Hospital (effective 19 Jan 44)
Major William H. Le Strange, O-1689382, MC, from the 120th Station Hospital (effective 25 Jan 44)
Captain James G. Donaldson, O-515146, MC, from Headquarters Southern Base Section (effective 22 Mar 44)
Captain William C. Leary, O-501175, DC, from Headquarters Southern Base Section (effective 22 Mar 44)
2d Lieutenant Priscilla M. Babcock, N-721242, ANC, from the 152d Station Hospital (effective 19 Jan 44)
2d Lieutenant Elsie E. Houpt, N-732966, ANC, from the 152d Station Hospital (effective 19 Jan 44)
2d Lieutenant Alic D. Scharr, N-732333, ANC, from the 152d Station Hospital (effective 19 Jan 44)

German PWs in their private hutments. They were often used for labor and work details in order to supplement the Hospital’s own personnel.
Transfers: following Officers were transferred to other medical units
Major Robert L. Garrard, O-347136, MC, to the 30th General Hospital (effective 7 Mar 44)
Major Grover C. Kirk, O-107531, MC, to Ordnance Depot 0-675 (effective 19 Jan 44)
Captain Joseph W. Messey, O-481807, MC, to the 302d Station Hospital (effective 12 Jan 44)
2d Lieutenant Edna F. Gray, N-771781, ANC, to the 58th General Hospital (effective 15 Mar 44)
2d Lieutenant Anne J. Margelewska, N-771777, ANC, to the 58th General Hospital (effective 15 Mar 44)
2d Lieutenant Florence J. Mikowski, N-772672, ANC, to the 58th General Hospital (effective 15 Mar 44)
Above Unit History was based on vintage reports generously donated by the late Lynn McNulty. His continuous support and assistance to the MRC Staff enabled them to edit numerous Unit Histories among which the present one relating to the 306th Station Hospital. The MRC Staff are still looking for the unit’s activation place, a complete Enlisted Men’s roster, as well as additional data relating to the organization’s final operations in the United Kingdom. Thank you.